25-09-2019 Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff of KSEBL - Electricity Supply Act – III Paper


Paper: Electricity Supply Act - III PAPER 

Date of 



Question1:-___________ is used to record transaction between stores. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question2:-Central Electricity Authority shall consists of not more than __________members. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question3:-ToD meter means 

        A:-Time of Day 

        B:-Tariff on Demand 

        C:-Time of Demand 

        D:-Tariff of Day 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question4:-An operation whereby the distribution system and associated facilities of a transmission licensee or distribution licensee, as the case may be, are used by another person for the conveyance of electricity on payment of charges is called 




        D:-Open Access 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question5:-The energy charges of Kochi Metro Rail Corporation is Rs.__________/k Wh. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question6:-Home stay units approved as such by Department of Tourism shall be billed under _________ category.         A:-LT-II 




        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question7:-Maximum and Minimum limit of quantities of each item of stores have to be recorded in 

        A:-Stores Ledger 

        B:-Stock Register 


        D:-Bin Card 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question8:-Register of Firm's bills should be reviewed monthly by ___________ Branch of Division Office. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question9:-A power plant set up by any person to generate electricity primarily for his own use is called 

        A:-Captive generating plant 


        C:-Electrical plant 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question10:-An electric line which is placed above the ground and in the open air called 

        A:-Overhead line 

        B:-Service lines 

        C:-Transmission lines 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question11:-A person authorised by a distribution licensee to distribute electricity on its behalf in a particular area within his area of supply is called 


        B:-Bulk Licensee 


        D:-Local Authority 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question12:-A process which simultaneously produces two or more forms of useful energy is called 

        A:-Captive generation 




        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question13:-An electric line or cable of a nominal voltage as may be specified by the Authority from time-to-time is called         A:-High voltage line 

        B:-Overhead line 

        C:-Transmission lines 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question14:-Non-telescopic tariff applicable to domestic consumers having monthly consumption above ____________ unit.         A:-300 




        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question15:-Stores received from suppliers which are rejected due to defective quality are recorded in _________ Register.         A:-Defects 




        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question16:-The value of stock limit for each division to be sanctioned by the Board should be the total of the values of the _____________ quantities noted in stores ledger. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question17:-__________ software is used in KSEBL to prepare accounts. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question18:-KSERC contains __________ members including chairman. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question19:-Fixed charges for domestic three phase consumers is Rs. __________ /month. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question20:-An action to be taken at a given time at which information about the electricity system is made available to the concerned Load Despatch Centre is called 

        A:-Open Access 



        D:-Real Time Operation 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question21:-Appellate Tribunal is established under __________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 105 

        B:-Section 110 

        C:-Section 111 

        D:-Section 109 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question22:-"Central Transmission Utility" means any Government company which the central government may notify under ____________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 39 

        B:-Section 38 

        C:-Section 45 

        D:-Section 100 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question23:-___________ means any reduction in consumption of electricity as a result of increase in the efficiency in supply and use of electricity.         A:-Conservation 



        D:-Load Shedding  

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question24:-When store keeper finds that stores run below_____________quantity he should take immediate steps to replenish the stock.         A:-Re-order level 




        Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question25:-All orders placed for purchase of stock should be entered in 

        A:-Purchase Register 


        C:-Stock Register 

        D:-Register of Firm's bills 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question26:-A licensee authorised to operate and maintain a distribution system for supplying electricity to the consumers in his area of supply is called 



        C:-Distribution Licensee 

        D:-Local Authority 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question27:-Electric supply-line for point to point transmission which are required for the purpose of connecting electric lines or electric plants of a captive generating plant to any transmission lines or sub-stations or generating stations, or the load centre is called 



        C:-Dedicated Transmission Lines 

        D:-High Voltage Lines 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question28:-Electricity charges per kWh for temporary connections is Rs. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question29:-__________ means the system of wires and associated facilities between the delivery points on the transmission lines or the generating station connection and the point of connection to the installation of the consumers. 

        A:-Transmission system 


        C:-Distribution system 

        D:-Overhead lines 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question30:-A person appointed by the Appropriate Government under Section 162 of Electricity Act, 2003 is called         A:-Licensee 

        B:-Bulk Licensee 

        C:-Local Authority 

        D:-Electrical Inspector 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question31:-Temporary extension shall be allowed only for a maximum period of ____________ days at a time. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question32:-"Consumer" is defined under which section of Electricity Act? 

        A:-Section  2(15) 

        B:-Section 2(12) 

        C:-Section 2(18) 

        D:-Section 2(11) 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question33:-'Electricity' is defined under _________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 2(15) 

        B:-Section 2(22) 

        C:-Section 2(23) 

        D:-Section 2(24) 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question34:-All receipts either from suppliers or from other divisions or on account of materials at site returned to stock should be entered in a         A:-MASA 

        B:-Day Book of Receipts 

        C:-Stores Ledger 

        D:-Bin Card 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question35:-Day Book of Receipts should be written in 

        A:-One copy 




        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question36:-Electricity system set-up to generate power and distribute electricity in a specified area without connection to the grid is called         A:-Stand alone system 

        B:-Power system 

        C:-Captive generation 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question37:-Electricity Supply Code is specified under ____________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 39 

        B:-Section 38 

        C:-Section 50 

        D:-Section 100 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question38:-'KSERC' means 

        A:-Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission 

        B:-Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Committee 

        C:-Kerala State Energy Regulatory Commission 

        D:-Kerala State Electricity Registration Commission 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question39:-Fixed charges per day for LT-III(B) Temporary Extension is Rs. ____________/kW. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question40:-Power laundries comes under _________ Category. 


        B:-LT-IV (A) 

        C:-LT-IV (B) 


        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question41:-A person who has been granted a licence to undertake trading in electricity is called 


        B:-Bulk Licensee 

        C:-Electricity trader 


        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question42:-Energy charge of LT-V (A) Agriculture Consumers in Rs. _________/kWh. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question43:-Day Book of Receipts should be written in 

        A:-One copy 




        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question44:-Whose certificate regarding check of quality should be recorded in Day Book of Receipts?         A:-Division Officer 

        B:-Store Keeper 

        C:-Asst. Exe. Engineer 

        D:-Senior Supdt. 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question45:-Purchase of electricity for resale is called 

        A:-Open Access 




        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question46:-State Regulatory Commission is constituted under which section of Electricity Act, 2003?         A:-Section 84 

        B:-Section 83 

        C:-Section 82 

        D:-Section 81 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question47:-High voltage backbone system of inter-connected transmission lines, sub-stations and generating plants is called         A:-Power system 

        B:-Overhead lines 

        C:-Distribution system 


        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question48:-Grid Code is specified by the Central Commission under ____________ of Electricity Act, 2003.         A:-Section 84 

        B:-Section 83 

        C:-Section 78 

        D:-Section 79 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question49:-Page left blank in Day Book of Receipts should be cancelled and attested by 


        B:-Senior Supdt. 

        C:-Store keeper

        D:-Divisional Accounts Officer 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question50:-Political parties comes under _________ category. 

        A:-LT-IV (D) 

        B:-LT-IV (A) 

        C:-LT-VI (B) 

        D:-LT-VI (E) 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question51:-Licence is granted under __________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 10 

        B:-Section 8 

        C:-Section 18 

        D:-Section 14 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question52:-National Electricity Plan is notified under _____________ of Electricity Act, 2003         A:-Section 9 

        B:-Section 5 

        C:-Section 10 

        D:-Section 3 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question53:-Revenue accounting software used in KSEBL is 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question54:-National Electricity Plan is prepared by 

        A:-Central Electricity Regulatory Commission 

        B:-Central Electricity Authority 

        C:-Central Government 

        D:-National Load Despatch Centre 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question55:-'CERC' consists of Chairperson and ___________ other members.         A:-2 




        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question56:-All items of stores received in a division should be verified with regard to quantity by         A:-AEE 

        B:-Store keeper 

        C:-Division Officer 

        D:-Senior Supdt. 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question57:-Surplus stores returned are to be accompanied by 

        A:-Surplus Note 

        B:-Rejected Note 

        C:-Day Book 

        D:-Return Note 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question58:-Any electric supply line through which electricity is supplied to a single consumer either from a distributing main or immediately from the Distribution Licensee's premises is called 

        A:-Service line 

        B:-Tie line 

        C:-Transmission line 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question59:-Non-discriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission is called 



        C:-Open Access 


        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question60:-A committee established by the Central Government for a specified region for facilitating the integrated operation of the power systems in that region is called 

        A:-State Power Committee 


        C:-Regional Power Committee 

        D:-State Commission 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question61:-The Centre established under Section 26 of Electricity Act, 2003 is 

        A:-National Load Despatch Centre 

        B:-Regional Load Despatch Centre 


        D:-State Load Despatch Centre 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question62:-Joint Commission is constituted under _____________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 84 

        B:-Section 83 

        C:-Section 78 

        D:-Section 80 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question63:-MASA means 

        A:-Materials at Supply Account 

        B:-Materials and Stores Account 

        C:-Materials at Site Account 

        D:-Materials and Sundry Accounts 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question64:-Cinema theatres comes under __________ catergory. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question65:-Any system for the conveyance of energy by means of a main transmission line from the territory on one state to another state is called 

        A:-Inter-State Transmission 


        C:-Main Transmission Lines 

        D:-Electricity System 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question66:-Headquarters of KSERC is at 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question67:-National Electricity Plan is notified once in __________ years. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question68:-Duties of generating companies is specified under ___________ of Electricity Act, 2003.         A:-Section 8 

        B:-Section 5 

        C:-Section 9 

        D:-Section 10 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question69:-Return Note shall be prepared in 

        A:-One copy 




        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question70:-Particulars in Return Note should be recorded in 

        A:-Day Book of Receipts 

        B:-Stores Ledger 

        C:-Bin Card 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question71:-Display lightings and Hoardings are charged under _________ tariff. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question72:-Wheeling charges approved by KSERC at HT level for 2017-18 is Rs. _______/unit.         A:-0.25 




        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question73:-MASA is written and kept by 




        D:-Divisional Accountant 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question74:-Electricity Supply Code is specified by the SERC as per provisions of ____________ of Electricity Act, 2003.         A:-Section 45

        B:-Section 50 

        C:-Section 55 

        D:-Section 60 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question75:-SERC determines tariff in accordance with provisions of __________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 50 

        B:-Section 65 

        C:-Section 62 

        D:-Section 60 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question76:-Provision of subsidy by State Government to any or class of consumers in the tariff determined by SERC is specified in ___________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 55 

        B:-Section 65 

        C:-Section 70 

        D:-Section 50 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question77:-Central Advisory Committee is constituted under ____________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 75 

        B:-Section 65 

        C:-Section 70 

        D:-Section 80 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question78:-Meter rent for single phase static energy meters with LCD and ToD facility is Rs. ___________/month.         A:-5 




        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question79:-The Accuracy of issue rates fixed shall be verified by 


        B:-Store Keeper 


        D:-Divisional Accountant 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question80:-Supply of the articles of stores is made through 

        A:-Surplus Note 

        B:-Rejected Note 

        C:-Issue Note 

        D:-Return Note 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question81:-Appellate Tribunal shall consists of a chairperson and ____________ other members. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question82:-Vesting of property of KSEBoard in State Government was done under __________ of Electricity Act, 2003.         A:-Section 125 

        B:-Section 131 

        C:-Section 135

        D:-Section 150 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question83:-The transmission charges approved by KSERC for the year 2017-18 is Rs. _________/unit. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question84:-The average pooled power purchase cost for the financial year 2017-18 is Rs.___________/unit. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question85:-Central Advisory Committee shall consist of not more than ___________ members. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question86:-Issue Notes are prepared in 



        C:-One copy 


        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question87:-Issue of stores are recorded in 

        A:-Return Register 

        B:-Stores Ledger 

        C:-Day Book of Issue 

        D:-Bin Card 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question88:-ToD Tariff shall be applicable to LT-IV Industrial Consumers having connected load above ____________ kW.         A:-20 




        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question89:-The minimum electricity charges payable during the period of disconnection for single phase domestic consumers shall be Rs. __________ per month. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question90:-Extra High Tension (EHT) consumer means a consumer who is supplied with electrical energy at a voltage exceeding ____________ Volts. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question91:-Energy charges applicable to Railway Traction is __________ Rs./kWh. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question92:-Billing of HT and EHT consumers of KSEBL is being done from the office of 

        A:-Special Officer (Revenue) 

        B:-CE (IT) 

        C:-CE (Commercial) 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question93:-Under HT and EHT Tariff, billing demand shall be the recorded maximum demand for the month in kVA or ___________% of the contract demand as per the agreement, which ever is higher. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question94:-____________ exercise supervision and control over the Inter-State transmission system. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question95:-_________ shall undertake transmission of electricity through intra-state transmission system. 


        B:-State Transmission Utility 



        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question96:-Duties of distribution licensee is specified under _________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 48 

        B:-Section 44 

        C:-Section 42 

        D:-Section 50 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question97:-Disconnection of supply in default of payment is specified in __________ of Electricity Act, 2003. 

        A:-Section 50 

        B:-Section 54 

        C:-Section 42 

        D:-Section 56 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question98:-Normal period for ToD tariff is from ____________ hrs to ___________ hrs. 

        A:-12, 18 

        B:-10, 18 

        C:-12, 20 

        D:-6, 18 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question99:-Pricing of issue notes is being done by _____________ Branch at Division Office.



        C:-Stores Account 


        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question100:-Physical stock verification by special staff appointed by Board is done         A:-Yearly 




        Correct Answer:- Option-A