Paper: Indian Penal Code (Part I Paper I)
Medium of Question: English
Date of Examination 21022019
Question1:The upper age limit of no criminal liability is
A:5 years
B:12 years
C:9 years
D:7 years
Correct Answer: OptionD
Question2:Under S.34 of the IPC, it is necessary that
A:All accused be present on the scene of crime
B:Few accused may be present
C:It depends upon the nature of the crime
D:None may be present
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question3:'A' is liable to criminal attempt when
A:'A' purchased poison to give it to 'B'
B:'A' gives poison to his servant to mix it in the tea to be given 'B'
C:'A' gives a cup of tea mixed with poison to 'B'
D:'A' gives a cup of tea mixed with sugar to 'B' thinking it to be poison
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question4 :The term 'Trifles' means
A:Negligible wrongs
B:To put in peril
C:To cause problem silently
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question5:When force or violence is used by an unlawful assembly or any member thereof, every member of such assembly is guilty of the offence of A:Rioting
C:Public nuisance
D:Unlawful assembly
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question6:When a person legally bound to state the truth upon any subject makes a false statement which he believes to be false or does not believe to be true is said to commit the offence of A:Fabricating false evidence
B:Criminal breach of trust
C:Giving false evidence
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question7:A lays sticks and turnover a pit with intention of causing death or with knowledge that death is likely to cause. 'B' believing the ground to be firm treads on it falls in and is killed. What iA:Culpable homicide
C:Attempt to murder
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question8:'A' caused the death of a child in the womp by kicking a pregnant woman. The offence committed by 'A' is
A:Culpable homicide
C:Attempt to murder
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question9:Attempt to commit murder is an offence u/s
A:307 of IPC
B:304 of IPC
C:305 of IPC
D:308 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question10:Grievous hurt is defined in
A:S. 320
B:S. 322
C:S. 326
D:S. 319
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question11:When a person caused bodily pain, disease or infirmity to any other person he is said to commit
A:Grievous hurt
C:Attempt to commit hurt
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question12:‘A’ with the intention of committing theft put his hand in ‘B’s pocket but it was empty. A commits
C:Attempt to commit theft
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question13:A beats 'Z' and takes Z's money from his pocket without Z's consent. A is liable for
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question14 :Criminal breach of trust is defined in
A:S. 4 05
B:S. 4 03
C:S. 4 01
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question15:Cheating by personation is dealt with
A:S. 4 16
B:S. 4 18
C:S. 4 20
D:S. 4 19
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question16:Whoever voluntarily causes hurt shall be punished under
A:S. 325
B:S. 320
C:S. 323
D:S. 34 5
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question17:Whoever wrongfully restrains any person in such a manner to prevent that person from proceeding beyond certain circumstrining limits is said to commit A:Wrongful restaraint
B:Wrongful confinement
C:Criminal force
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question18:The offence of outraging modesty of a woman is dealt with
A:S. 354
B:S. 352
C:S. 350
D:S. 351
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question19:Whoever intentionally causes force to any person without that person consent to commit an offence or knowing it to likely to cause injury, fear or annoyance to the person is said to coA:Assault
B:Criminal force
C:Criminal intimidation
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question20:The offence of theft is defined in
A:S. 381
B:S. 378
C:S. 379
D:S. 380
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question21:'A' has sexual intercourse with wife aged 15 years of age is guilty of
B:Unnatural lust
D:No offence
Correct Answer: OptionD
Question22:'A' entices a minor out of the keeping of the lawful guardian without such guardians consent is said to commit the offence of
B:Kidnapping from India
C:Kidnapping from lawful guardianship
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question23:The offence of abduction u/s 362 means
A:Forcefully compels a person to go from any place
B:Conveys any person from one place to another
C:Entices a minor out of the lawful guardianship
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question24 :'A' causes cattle to enter upon a field belonging to 'Z' intending to cause damage to 'Z's crop. A is liable for
B:Criminal breach of fast
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question25:Criminal trespass is defined in
A:S. 4 4 2 of IPC
B:S. 4 4 1 of IPC
C:S.4 4 5 of PIC
D:S.4 4 6 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question26:‘A’ cuts down a tree on Z’s ground with the intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of
Z’s possession without his consent 'A' is guilty of
A:Criminal misappropriation of property
D:Criminal breach of trust
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question27:The difference between cheating and criminal breach of trust is
A:In cheating position of property is obtained by deception or by fraudulent means but in criminal breach trust the possession is obtained without such means B:In criminal breach trust possession of property is obtained by fraudulent means but in cheating possession without such means C:In breach of trust consent is obtained by deception but in cheating consent is obtained freely
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question28:‘A’ finds a key of ‘Z’s house door which had lost and commits house trespass by entering Z's house having opened, the door with that key. 'A' is liable for A:House breaking
B:House trespass
C:Criminal trespass
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question29:When a person commits house trespass and he effects his entrance into the house in an unlawful way commits the offence of A:House breaking
B:House trespass
C:Criminal trespass
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question30:When a person makes any false document with intent to cause damage or injury to the
public or to any person commits to offence of
A:Fabricating false evidence
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question31:Who ever have sexual intercourse with a person who is the why of the another man, without the consent or connivance of that man is guilty of A:Adultery (Section for 4 97)
B:Bigamy (Section 4 94 )
C:Cruelty (Section 4 94 A)
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question32:The offence of cruelty is define in
A:Section 4 98A
B:Section 4 97
C:Section 4 94
D:Section 4 93
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question33:When a person makes or publishes any imputation concerning any person in order to harm the reputation of that person, commits the offence of A:Defamation
C:Criminal intimidation
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question34 :'A' draws a bill of exchange upon a fictitious person and fraudulently accepts the bill in the name of such fictitious person with intend to negotiate it 'A' commit A:Fabricating false evidence
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question35:'A' says 'Z' is an honest man, he never stone B's watch, intenting to cause it to be believed that 'Z' stone to be B's watch, A is liable for A:Defamation
B:Criminal intimidation
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question36:Punishment for attempt to commit offence is defined in
A:Section 511
B:Section 4 11
C:Section 307
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question37:Criminal breach of trust by public servant is defined in
A:Section 4 09
B:Section 4 08
C:Section 509
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question38:Intention means
A:An active desire to do an act
B:Reason of an action
C:To fulfill the desire
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question39:Fraudulently means S” 25
A:Does anything with an intention to defraud a person
B:Does an act with an intention to gain something wrongfully
C:Something infant residing in its truth
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question4 0:Joint liability is prescribed in section
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question4 1:When the court directing a person to undergo imprisonment for a term for non payment of fine, it is
A:An additional period apart from any other imprisonment ordered
B:Not an additional period and so the offender can undergo imprisonment concurrently
C:Not considered as a punishment
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question4 2:When the offence is punishable with fine only the imprisonment for non payment of such fine shall not exceed 2 months when the amount of fine does not exceed Rs.50/ and 4 months and not exceeding 6 months in any other case as per.
A:Section 67 of IPC
B:Section 76 of IPC
C:Section 87 of IPC
D:Section 56 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question4 3:The maximum period of solitary confinement is
A:6 months
B:1 year
C:3 months
D:1 month
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question4 4 :General exceptions are explained in Section
A:76106 of IPC
B:67106 of IPC
C:96106 of IPC
D:100110 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question4 5:The maximum period of solitary confinement undergone at a time is
A:14 days
B:4 0 days
C:1 month
D:6 month
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question4 6:The defence of unsounness of mind is explained is section
A:Section 80 of IPC
B:Section 94 of IPC
C:Section 84 of IPC
D:Section 82 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question4 7:Self induced intoxication is
A:A valid defence
B:Not a valid defence
C:Valid defence
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question4 8:Burden of proof shifts from the prosecution to the accused
A:In private defence
C:When joint liability arises
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question4 9:The right of private defence is available
A:To protect one's own body only
B:To protect one’s own body and the body of his relatives
C:To protect his own body and the body of any other persons
D:To protect one’s own property
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question50:Every person has the right to protect his own property and the property of any other person against an offence falling under the definition of A:Theft, robbery, mischief, criminal trespass or attempt to commit these offences
B:Theft and Robbery
C:Theft and mischief
D:Expression and robbery
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question51:The real test to determine weather a person has a right private defence of his body is
A:Whether the accused has a reasonable apprehension in his mind that the death or grievous hurt would be the consequence of the assault by the agrieved person B:Whether accused has attempted to commit and offence
C:Whether the accused actually committed the offence
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question52:The right of private defence, commonsences as soon as a reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises and shall continue so long as such apprehension continues as per A:Section 102 of IPC
B:Section 103 of IPC
C:Section 100 of IPC
D:Section 99 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question53:The right of private defence of property extends to causing death when
A:Robbery, House breaking by night, Mischief by fire on any building used as a human dwelling or used for keeping property or theft, mischief or house trespass committed and causes an appB:Theft, Mischief or criminal trespass committed or attempt to commit by the deceased
C:Robbery and extortion
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question54 :Right of private defence of property commensence when reasonable apprehension of danger to the property, commences and continues up to the completion of the offence which the A:Section 105 of IPC
B:Section 103 of IPC
C:Section 102 of IPC
D:Section 101 of IPC
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question55:The right of private defence extend to causing of harm to an innocent person when
A:The accused has reasonably found that without causing such harm the defence can not be effectually exercised and the result will be his death
B:The accused believes that without which he can not prevent the deceased
C:The accused believes that which he can not escape
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question56:While fixing the criminal liability whether motive is relevant
B:Not relevant
C:Based on the relevant situation
D:Partially relevant
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question57:The right to private defence does not extend to causing death in case of threat of
A:Grievous hurt
D:Wrongful restraint
Correct Answer: OptionD
Question58:When an accused was tried by the court he pleads that his case will fall one of the exceptions explained in the Indian Penal Code. If so the burden of proof lies A:On the person who pleads the benefit of excemption
B:On the prosecution
C:If depends on the circumstances of the case
D:Partly on the prosecution and another part on the accused
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question59:When a person has committed an offence which among the following defences can he plead as a good defence
A:Insanity at the time of committing the offence
B:Insanity before the commission of the offence
C:At the time of commission of the offence he was drunk and incapable of forming any intention
D:Intoxication made him incapable of understanding the nature of his act
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question60:Which among the following statement is correct?
A:One can not claim the right of private defence when he invited the attack
B:One can not claim the right to private defence when his act exceeds the limit to protect
his own body or the body of any other person
C:Statement (1) and (2) are correct
D:Statement (1) is wrong and statement (2) is correct
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question61:Can A’ plead the defence to necessity
A:'A' throws 16 passengers from a ship which is sinking to save others
B:'A' pulls down 'B' house to prevent to spread of fire in the locality
C:'A' a hungry man who has no food or water to drink kils 'B' to eat the flesh
D:'A' takes out a bag or rice from 'B's shop since nothing to eat for the last 10 days
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question62:‘A’ was an accused for the offence under section 326 of the IPC. He took bail and was appearing before the court on every posting date. After one year he was absent in the court for thbailable warrant but he escaped 2 years. After 2 years he was arrested and brought before the court and court has framed a charge against him. If so under which section of IPC will attract the offencA:Section 308
B:Section 299 A
C:Section 4 03 A
D:Section 277 A
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question63:Actus non facit ream nisi mens it rea means
A:An act itself does not constitute a crime unless done with a guilty intent
B:An act does not constitute a crime when done with a criminal mind
C:An act itself is a crime even though there is no guilty mind
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question64 :State which of the following defences are available to a person who was committed a criminal Act
B:Consent of the other party
C:Self preservation
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question65:When one person intigate another person do a thing or engages with one or more other person in any compiracy for the doing of that or intentionally aid by illegal omission or the doiA:Conspiracy
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question66:‘A’ in India instigates ‘B’ a foreigner in Srilanka to commit a murder in Srilanka
A:A is guilty of abetting the offence of murder
B:A can not be tried in India for abetting the offence of murder
C:A can not be tried in India if the act is not an offence in Srilanka
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question67:What is the offence under the Indian Penal Code for which a mere agreement to commit
an offence would make persons liable under it
A:Section 120 A
B:Section 14 9
C:Section 114 read with Section 34
D:Section 34
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question68:Whoever by words either spoken or written or by signs or otherwise brings or attempts to bring into hearted towards the Government of India is liable for the offence of A:Sedition
B:Waging war against the Government of India
C:Unlawful assembly
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question69:A person intentionally does anything of any stage of the offence to stimulate the commission of the offence that person is said to
A:Abet the commission of the offence
B:Compired the commission of the offence
C:Aid the commission of the offence
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question70:When two persons agreed to commit an offence a particular day. But due to some unforeseen circumstances the offence is not committed. Did they commit any offence A:Yes, the offence of conspiracy
B:No, they were not committed any offence and nobody can be prosecuted for an agreement to commit an offence unless an over act is done
C:Yes, the obence the abetment by conspiracy
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question71:Punishment for defamation is
A:2 years
B:3 years
C:5 years
D:10 years
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question72:When 5 or more persons assembled with common object to commit any one of the offence explained in Section of IPC then it is
A:An unlawful assembly
B:Public nuisance
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question73:‘A’ an amin goes to a house to arrest a debtor ‘B’ and takes possession of his properties in execution decree, if a group of persons consisting 10 in number resist the amin in the exercisA:Unlawful assembly
B:Public nuisance
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question74 :When a public servant obtained any illegal gratification as a motive or reward doing or for bear to do any official act in the exercise of his official function he is liable for the offence A:Bribery
B:Unlawful engaging in any trade
C:Obtaining valuable thing without consideration
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question75:'A' by his own act voluntarily provoked and there by lost his power of self control and caused the death of 'B' he is liable for
B:Culpable homicide
C:Attempt to murder
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question76:Section 4 98 A is applicable against
A:Cruelty against any woman
B:Cruelty against wife
C:Cruelty against children
D:Cruelty against any member of the family
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question77:The word murder is derived from the Germanic word
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question78:Under Section 304B a woman is died within ___________ years of her marriage and it is shown that soon before her death she was subjected to cruelty is dowry death. A:3 years
B:5 years
C:7 years
D:9 years
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question79:Threaten to commit suicide is an offence under
A:Section 309
B:Section 307
C:Section 305
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question80:'A' by putting 'Z' in fear of grievous hurt induces 'Z' to sign a blank paper 'Z' signs and delivers the paper 'A' has committed A:Extortion
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question81:Whoever dishonestly misappropriates or convents to his own use any movable property commits
A:Dishonest misappropriation of property
B:Criminal breach of trust
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question82:‘A’ finds a letter on the road containing a bank note and from the contents of a letter in it, he learns to whom the note belongs he takes the note form him. A commits A:Dishonest misappropriation of property
B:Criminal breach of trust
D:None of these
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question83:Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means is punishable under
A:Section 324
B:Section 325
C:Section 326
D:Section 327
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question84 :Criminal Intimidation is defined in Section
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question85:Affray is a punishable offence under section
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question86:What is the minimum number of persons included in unlawful assembly?
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question87:Sedition is punishable under Section
Correct Answer: OptionC
Question88:Driving on a public way in a manner which endangered human life is dealt with in Section
Correct Answer: OptionD
Question89:Robbery is punishable for
A:Seven years rigorous imprisonment
B:Fourteen years
C:Two years
D:Live imprisonment
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question90:The term public nuisance is defined under Section
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question91:Punishment for unnatural offence is
A:10 years
B:5 years
C:7 years
D:3 years
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question92:Offences against property is defined under Section
A:Chapter IX
B:Chapter XV
C:Chapter XIV
D:Chapter XVII
Correct Answer: OptionD
Question93:The term wrongful gain is defined under Section
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question94 :The Indian Penal Code was enacted in the year
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question95:The term imprisomnent is defined under Section
Correct Answer: OptionD
Question96:Fraudulent act means
A:Concealment of property
C:Obtaining a decree
D:All the above
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question97:Section 4 of the Act dealt with
A:Extra territorial offence
B:Punishment of offences committed within India
C:Exception clause
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question98:Punishment for misconduct in public place by a drunken person A:Imprisonment for 24 hours
B:Imprisonment for 14 days
C:Imprisonment for one month
D:Imprisonment for 3 months
Correct Answer: OptionA
Question99:Theft in dwelling house is punishable for a period of A:2 years
B:7 years
C:5 years
D:10 years
Correct Answer: OptionB
Question100:A public servant unlawfully engaging in trade is an offence under section A:168
Correct Answer: OptionA