21-02-2019 Account Test - Higher - Part I - I Paper - For those working in PWD only - Kerala Public Works Account Code and Kerala Account Code Vol III


Paper: Kerala Public Works Account Code & Kerala Account Code Vo111 

Medium of Question: English 

Date of Examination 21­02­2019 

Question1:­A transfer Entry order may be initiated by 

A:­Divisional Officer 

B:­Section Engineer 

C:­Sub divisional Officer 

D:­Divisional Accountant 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question2:­All Survey Reports of stores in _________ and Sale Accounts in ____________ must also accompany the monthly Accounts. B:­that the amount should be returned after having obtained a stamped receipt in Tender Register 

C:­that the amount should be returned on production of the Temporary receipt already given to the contractor D:­that the amount shall be given without any formalities 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question4 :­The closing of Imprest Accounts is sanctioned by: 

A:­Divisional Officer 

B:­Sub divisional Officer 

C:­Divisional Accountant 

D:­both Divisional Officer and Sub divisional Officer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question5:­The Account head “Stock” is debited with all expenditure connected with acquisition of Stock materials and with all: A:­Manufacture Operations 

B:­Materials purchased 

C:­Materials used at site 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question6:­The Manufacture Accounts are classified into: 





Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question7:­In the case of manufacture, of operations are continuous, the Account must be closed: 

A:­Once in every six months 

B:­Once in every three months 

C:­Once in a year 

D:­at the end of every month 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question8:­Measurement Book is in KPW Form No: 





Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question9:­Of which of the following is wrong? 

A:­Quantity of materials used is to be recorded in M. Book 

B:­Situation of the work is to be recorded in M. Book 

C:­Date of measurement should be recorded in M. Book 

D:­Daily labour should be recorded in M. Book 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question10:­Any page is left blank inadvertently it must be cancelled by: 

A:­Vertical lines 

B:­Horizontal lines 

C:­Diagonal lines 

D:­Double vertical lines 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question11:­Standard Measurement Book is maintained in Division Offices for 

A:­Preparation of Estimates for periodical Repairs 

B:­Preparation of Estimate for original works 

C:­Preparation of Estimate for Maintenance works 


Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question12:­Secured Advance should be prepared in Running Account bill in: 

A:­KPW Form 23 

B:­KPW Form 23A 

C:­KPW Form 22 

D:­KPW Form 24 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question13:­Clearance works which cost more than _______________ should be inspected by the Sub divisional Officer. A:­500 




Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question14 :­Of which of the following is correct? 

A:­The revision of rates after work is carried out is entirely inadmissible 

B:­The revision of rates after work is carried out is entirely admissible 

C:­50% of the revision of rates after work is carried out is admissible

D:­75% of the revision of rates after work is carried out is admissible 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question15:­The manufacture accounts are classified into 





Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question16:­Of which of the following is not the sub head of the stock Account? 



C:­Carriage and storage charge 

D:­Cement used for a particular work 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question17:­Expenditure which is not subjected to the vote of the Legislative Assembly is: 

A:­Voted Expenditure 

B:­Charged Expenditure 

C:­Non — Voted Expenditure 


Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question18:­Formal acceptance of the proposals for incurring an expenditure in PWD on a work by an Administrative Department is: B:­Formal Sanction 

C:­Administrative Sanction 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question19:­If the exact head of account is not known in a transaction of receipt or expenditure, then the transaction should be classified under: A:­Deposits 

B:­Miscellaneous PW Advances 

C:­Deposits and PW Advances 

D:­ “Deposits” if a receipt/”Miscellaneous P.W Advances” if a charge 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question20:­The functions of a Divisional Accountant are as: 

A:­Accountant and Financial Assistant 

B:­Internal Checker and Accountant 

C:­Internal Checker and Financial Assistant 

D:­Accountant, Financial Assistant and Internal checker 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question21:­Register of Divisional Accountant’s objections is in KPW Form No: 



C:­4 1 

D:­4 0 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question22:­Who is the responsible officer to make available the records of initial accounts and other records in the periodical test Audit of Accountant General? A:­Divisional Officer 

B:­Divisional Accountant 

C:­Sub divisional Officer 

D:­Senior Superintendent 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question23:­When expenditure is incurred on non­Government works in excess of the deposit received, the excess expenditure will be classified under: A:­Miscellaneous PW Advance 

B:­Miscellaneous P.W Deposit 

C:­both in PW Advance and PW Deposit 

D:­Miscellaneous payment 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question24 :­The progress of expenditure as works should be watched month by month through: 

A:­Work Abstract 

B:­Contractor’s Ledger 

C:­Register of works and other accounts 

D:­Monthly Accounts 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question25:­Of which of the following is not a liability on expenditure? 

A:­Suspense Accounts relating to purchases, Contractors and Labourers 

B:­Outstanding debts adjustable by book transfer 

C:­Matured claims of contractors suppliers etc 

D:­Payment made to a contractor 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question26:­Which of the following item is not Cash? 




D:­Revenue stamp 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question27:­When a Divisional officer receives a report that a cheque drawn by him is lost, he should at once report the fact to: A:­Finance Department 

B:­Accountant General 

C:­Treasury Officer 


Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question28:­Remittances into Treasury should be made in lump:

A:­Once a week, on the last working day 

B:­Fortnightly on the last working day 

C:­Monthly, on the last working day 


Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question29:­If loss of Cash occurred by theft, the amount should be charged to: 



C:­Public works Advance 

D:­Miscellaneous Advance 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question30:­Sub divisional Officers may authorize payment of passed nominal muster Roll upto a limit of __________ by Section Officers from their imprest. B:­Fortnightly 


D:­Half yearly 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question32:­The Schedules relating to the suspense and deposit Documents and the workshop Suspense schedule, must be submitted to the: B:­Finance Department 

C:­Chief Engineer 

D:­Accountant General 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question33:­The Accounts to be kept in a workshop depend on the extent of the: 

A:­Operations of the shop 

B:­Size of the shop 

C:­Operations and Size of the shop 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question34 :­Where no capital accounts are kept of a workshop, for whichever branch intended, all expenditure should be booked under the major head: A:­4 4 or 50 

B:­4 5 or 51 

C:­4 3 or 4 9 

D:­4 5 or 50 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question35:­Railway debits for amounts, due on warrants and credit notes are authorized by: 

A:­Railway Accounts Department 

B:­Accountant General 

C:­Railway Audit Department 


Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question36:­The Cash and Stock accounts of the Divisional Office for a month are closed as the: 

A:­last working day of the financial year 

B:­last working day of every six months 

C:­last working day of every month 

D:­last working day of the calendar month 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question37:­Of which of the following, is not related to the Scrutiny Accounts in a Division 

A:­The Divisional Accountant should sign all the vouchers and cash book 

B:­That all vouchers and accounts are arithmetically correct and it should be checked by Divisional Accountant 

C:­That the Divisional Accountant should Examine whether charges are classified correctly 

D:­That whether the sums realized have been credited to the proper head of account 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question38:­Schedule of works Expenditure should be prepared in KPW Form 60 on the following 

A:­Each major head under which expenditure is recorded 

B:­All other government works 

C:­All non­Government works other than Deposit works 

D:­All the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question39:­If no allusion is made in the contract to the departmental estimate of the work, Schedule of rates or quantities of work, to be done, such contract is: A:­Percentage contract 

B:­Rate contract 

C:­Lumpsum contract 

D:­Piece work contract 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question4 0:­How many Deposit transactions are there in PWD? 





Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question4 1:­The maximum period of retention of the security deposit will be __________ months from the date of completion of the work. A:­Ten 




Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question4 2:­Schedule of Deposits are prepared from _________ for submission to the Accountant General. 

A:­Work Abstract 

B:­Contractor’s Ledger 

C:­Deposits Register 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C

Question4 3:­When a deposit work is to be carried out, the local body should advance the gross estimated expenditure to: 

A:­Sub divisional Officer 

B:­Divisional Officer 

C:­Treasury Officer 

D:­Finance officer in CE’s Office 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question4 4 :­Refunds of unexpended balance of completed works should be taken in reduction of the deposits and it should be shown in the schedule of Deposits as: A:­Minus realisation 

B:­Plus realisation 

C:­Minus and plus realisation 

D:­Balance realization 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question4 5:­All payments of decretal amounts pertaining to “Deposit works” should be charged on the”: 

A:­Consolidated Fund of the state 

B:­Contingent Fund of the state 

C:­Public works Deposit 

D:­Public Accounts of the state 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question4 6:­When any land or building not belonging to PWD, is hired by another department, for public purpose, the rent is: 

A:­Paid by PWD 

B:­Paid by PWD if ordered by Government 

C:­Paid by Revenue department 

D:­Paid by PWD on the order of CE 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question4 7:­Amounts owing by PWD to other Non Public works Department of other Government, the amount shall be adjusted by: 



C:­Book transfer 

D:­Remittance into Treasury 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question4 8:­If the transactions originate in another department of the same or another Government, the responding transfer should be made on receipt of intimation of the original debit or credit thrA:­Chief Engineer 


C:­Divisional Officer 

D:­Accountant General 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question4 9:­If the encashment of a bill for an Advance or transfer is likely to delay, and if it is urgent, the Advance may be made from: 

A:­Permanent Advance 

B:­Work Imprest 

C:­Cash in hand 

D:­all the above items 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question50:­In the case of all transfers of Divisional. Sub divisional or other executive charges, RTC should be sent to Accountant General, through: A:­Superintending Engineer 

B:­Chief Engineer 


D:­Finance department 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question51:­Of which of the following is not a contingent charge in a special office 

A:­Charges for new supplies 


C:­Sweeping charges 

D:­Tools and plants 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question52:­The schedules of credits /Debits to the head, “Inter state suspense Account”, Should reach the Accountant General not later than the: 

A:­12th April of every year 

B:­10th April of every year 

C:­7th April of every year 

D:­5th April of every year 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question53:­Statement of the assessment and realization of Irrigation revenue should be submitted by the Divisional Officer to Accountant General: A:­Half yearly 




Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question54 :­If an error is detected after submission to the Accountant General of the Divisional Officer’s supplementary Account of the year, it is not required to report AG for instructions unless tA:­Rs. 10 

B:­Rs. 50 

C:­Rs. 100 

D:­Rs. 500 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question55:­When a Divisional Accountant is about to be relieved of his duties in a Divisional Officer, he should prepare a memorandum reviewing the accounts of the Division. The memorandumA:­Remarks by the relieving Accountant 

B:­Remarks by the Divisional Officer 

C:­Orders of the finance Department 

D:­All the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question56:­The destruction of Account records in PWD should be made with Concurrence of:

A:­Finance Secretary 


C:­Accountant General 

D:­Chief Engineer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question57:­If any wages of labourers remain unpaid after the completion of a work, the accounts of the work may be kept open for a period of one month which may be extended to _________ moA:­3 months, Divisional Officer 

B:­6 months, Divisional Officer 

C:­12 months, sub divisional Officer 

D:­12 months, Divisional Officer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question58:­If the final account of a contractor shows that he has already been overpaid, the excess amount due by him should be settled by a recovery in cash. If the immediate recovery is not practhead; 

A:­PW Deposit 

B:­Contractors secured Advance 

C:­Miscellaneous PW Advance 

D:­Contractors — other transactions 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question59:­The work Abstract should be prepared in the __________in the first instance. 

A:­Divisional Office 

B:­Sub divisional Office 

C:­Section Office 

D:­Superintending Engineer’s Office 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question60:­Register of works maintained in Division is: 

A:­the collective record of expenditure on all works 

B:­Permanent record of expenditure on all works 

C:­the record of works being executed 

D:­the collective and permanent record of the expenditure incurred in the division during a year on each work 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question61:­Contractor’s Ledger should be written up in: 

A:­Sub divisional Office 

B:­Divisional Office 

C:­Sectional Office 

D:­SE’s Office 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question62:­When surplus materials are returned from a work to stock, the cost of carriage should be borne by: 


B:­Administrative Department 

C:­Public works Department 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question63:­If any work is executed by other department itself under the Administrative Control of PWD, which of the following reservation is to be observed by PWD? A:­The Civil Department should be responsible to PWD to account for appropriation placed at its disposal 

B:­The PWD should retain budgetary and financial control 

C:­The PWD should retain technical Control through inspection 

D:­All the above reservations should be observed 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question64 :­Of which of the following is not entered in Contractor’s Ledger 

A:­Secured Advance 

B:­Other transactions/Advance payments 

C:­Security deposits of contractors 

D:­Debits and credits 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question65:­The unspent balance of Temporary Advance should be remitted back to the disbursing officer after the expiry of a period of: 

A:­two weeks 

B:­Six months 

C:­three months 

D:­One year 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question66:­Cheque books for the use of PWD are received from: 

A:­Government press 

B:­Government stationery 

C:­Government Form store 

D:­Treasury officers 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question67:­The loss of cheque book or blank cheque shall be notified promptly to: 

A:­Treasury Officer 

B:­Finance Department 


D:­Accountant General 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question68:­The General Administration of all the stores of the department is vested with: 

A:­Superintending Engineer 

B:­Chief Engineer 

C:­Divisional Officer 

D:­Sub divisional Officer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question69:­Road metal required for the maintenance of a road or section of a road is charged under minor head: 

A:­Special Repairs


C:­Land kiln 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question70:­Which of the following head of Account is a suspense head? 


B:­Tools and plant 

C:­Materials charged to works 


Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question71:­Goods Received Sheet is prepared in KPW Form No: 





Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question72:­A Chronological record of receipts, issues, and running balance of each article of stock will be kept in: 

A:­Register of stock 

B:­Goods Received Sheets 

C:­Priced vocabulary Register 

D:­Bin Card 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question73:­Issue or transfer of stores to other stores, Departments or Local bodies shall be made with the prior sanction of: 

A:­Sub divisional Officer 

B:­Divisional Officer 

C:­Superintending Engineer 

D:­Chief Engineer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question74 :­For supplying materials from stores, Indents should be prepared in: 





Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question75:­The Security deposits of contractors which have to be refunded on completion of the contract have to be credited to “Deposit” under Article: A:­21 




Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question76:­Priced stores Ledger is prepared in: 

A:­KPW Form 9 

B:­KPW Form 11 

C:­KPW Form13 

D:­KPW Form12 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question77:­The Tools and Plant Ledger consists of three parts: The last part of it, deals with: 

A:­Articles in hand 

B:­Articles temporarily lent out 

C:­Articles temporary sent out 

D:­Shortages awaiting adjustment 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question78:­On Completion of a work or project on which special Tools and plant were used and if it is not required further ___________ may transfer them to other Divisions or in the same divisiB:­Divisional Officer 

C:­Sub divisional Officer 

D:­Chief Engineer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question79:­The Register maintained in KPW Form 14 is: 

A:­Contractor’s Ledger 

B:­Register of works 

C:­Tools and Plants Register 

D:­Work Abstract 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question80:­The fees charged by the Executive Engineers for testing Lightning conductors attached to explosive Magazines should be credited to the State Revenue under the head: A:­0059.PW 

B:­0059­Miscellaneous PW Advance 

C:­0059­ Miscellaneous Receipts 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question81:­The State PWD is executing works on behalf of the Central PWD on realizing supervision charges at ______________ of the works expenditure. A:­9% 




Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question82:­The major head of Account operated for the purpose of Famine relief is _________________ 

which is as per Article ________________. 

A:­224 5, 34 

B:­4 054 , 35 

C:­224 5, 35 

D:­4 0954 , 34

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question83:­“Central Road Fund” is credited which account? 

A:­224 5 


C:­84 4 9 

D:­3054 Roads and Bridges of Central Government 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question84 :­____________ may be initiated by the sub divisional Officer as per Article 105. 

A:­Tools and Plants Ledger 

B:­Transfer Entry Order 

C:­Register of works 

D:­Rent Register 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question85:­As per Article 14 5(a) of KAC Vol III, the Suspense Account _____________ should be cleared: 

A:­Labour charges 


C:­Secured Advance 


Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question86:­In the Account of Manufacture operations are continued, the account should be closed ______________as per article 162 of KAC Vol.III. B:­Half yearly 



Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question87:­In case of a major estimate a few suspense accounts are operated in works abstract 

A:­Materials and Purchase 

B:­Contractors secured advance/ other transactions 


D:­All of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question88:­The Accounts of annual maintenance estimates must be closed in the month fixed by: 

A:­Chief Engineer 

B:­Superintending Engineer 

C:­Divisional Officer 


Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question89:­The rates entered in the estimate should generally agree with: 

A:­Market rate 

B:­Storage rate 

C:­Schedule of rate 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question90:­Who is the responsible Officer for the correctness of the contractor’s Ledger? 

A:­Divisional Officer 

B:­Divisional Accountant 

C:­Sub divisional Officer 

D:­Junior Superintendent 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question91:­Municipal taxes on public buildings should be debited to the maintenance estimates of the building concerned, and it should be paid by: 

A:­Public works Department 

B:­Revenue Department 


D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question92:­In workshop jobs, the percentage of Supervision charges should be calculated on the value of: 

A:­total cost of labour 

B:­total cost of stores 

C:­total expenditure incurred for job 

D:­materials issued to each job 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question93:­Annually, Proforma accounts of each workshop should be prepared: 

A:­based on Capital Account 

B:­based on Out turn Account 

C:­based on profit and Loss Account 

D:­based on all the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D 

Question94 :­Departmental officers, should at least __________ see that the market value of Government papers which have been furnished as Security is sufficient to cover the amount of Security reA:­Once in every six months 

B:­Once in every three months 

C:­Once a year 

D:­Every month 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question95:­Percentage deductions on account of security made from contractor’s bill should also be credited to the head: 

A:­Public works Deposits 

B:­Miscellaneous P.W. Receipts 

C:­Miscellaneous P.W. Advances 

D:­None of the above 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question96:­In the case of Water Supply and drainage schemes , financed partly by the local bodies and partly by Government, the materials that surplus at the site of the work after their completion,A:­Public works Department

B:­Local body concerned 

C:­Irrigation department 

D:­Contractor himself 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question97:­Works executed on behalf of Panchayat and construction works under the Poor Housing Scheme for the weaker Sections of the community _________ is exempted. A:­Payment of contractor’s Profit 

B:­Payment of centage charge 

C:­Payment of Contingencies 

D:­Payment of any other excess amount 

Correct Answer:­ Option­B 

Question98:­The pay and Allowances of Gazetted Officers are subjected to a system of: 

A:­Personal Audit 

B:­Government Audit 

C:­AG’s Audit 

D:­DDO’s Audit 

Correct Answer:­ Option­A 

Question99:­All payments out side India should be made through: 

A:­Govt. of India 

B:­Govt. of Kerala 

C:­Accountant General 

D:­Chief Engineer 

Correct Answer:­ Option­C 

Question100:­When cash balance in cash chest is found to be deficient, it should be accounted under the head: 


B:­P.W. Deposit 

C:­Miscellaneous P.W. Receipts 

D:­Miscellaneous P.W. Advance 

Correct Answer:­ Option­D