18-09-2019 Secretariat Manual Test


Paper: The Secretariat Manual Test

Date of



Question1:-Which one of the following statement is false connected with "treatment of ordinary confidential papers"? A:-The officers shall register the confidential papers in a register kept in their offices

B:-When a confidential paper is received in tappal by the Deputy secretary or the under secretary, the section officer takes charge of it C:-The abstract of the confidential paper being indicated only by a catchword as not to reveal anything which is confidential D:-When submitting the file, it shall send in a confidential box or in a sealed confidential cover

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question2:-Specify the name of the process "preparation of any communication which is proposed to be issued by, on behalf of or under the direction of the Government"


B:-Linking file



Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question3:-Who is authorized to perform the work of distribution of tappal as well as the function of attestation in the tappal book in the absence of section officer?

A:-Section officer of near section

B:-Controlling under secretary

C:-Concerned assistants

D:-Senior most assistant in section

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question4:-Among different officers dealing with a case within a department, cumulative noting should be avoided as far as possible. How can this be secured?

A:-By arranging a meeting

B:-By sending back file with direction to re-draft note

C:-By noting queries to lower level officers

D:-By oral discussions between the officers concerned

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question5:-The disposals accruing in the section shall be handed over to the office section ____________ duly passed by the section officer for stitching and transmission to the records branch

A:-Every week

B:-Every fortnight

C:-Every month

D:-Every quarter of the year

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question6:-Which one of the following is not a duty of the records branch?

A:-Arrange perusal of records by the public based on permission given by departments

B:-Receipt and arrangement of records

C:-Proper custody of the records

D:-Issue of records requisitioned by the secretariat departments

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question7:-Chief reception officer and reception officers function under the control of ____________ department A:-Information and public relations


C:-General administration

D:-Public works

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question8:-Which is the department preparing consolidated fortnightly index?

A:-Personnel and administrative reforms department

B:-General administration department

C:-Information and public relations department

D:-Finance department

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question9:-Who is responsible to check the accuracy of the titles entered in coloumn 4 of the PR?


B:-Office superintendent

C:-Section officer

D:-Under secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question10:-Which of the following is the meaning of "unnecessary references after decisions"?

A:-Sending communications to various officers under one head of the department

B:-Sending one communication to another department after finding that the details called for are not sufficient C:-Sending communications to other departments, when the details are available in the section

D:-References to departments or offices for gathering information, without carrying out the decisions of the council of ministers Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question11:-Apart form the usual note file, it may become necessary to clarify points of an ephemeral nature and the notes prepared for that purpose in called _______________

A:-Council note

B:-Sectional note

C:-Routine note

D:-Unofficial notes

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question12:-Which one of the following is not an assigned item for staff meeting?

A:-Number of currents received and action taken

B:-Number of audits due and conducted by the accountant general in time

C:-Number of personal register inspections due and conducted

D:-Number of suits and writs on which statement of facts is yet to be furnished to the advocate general or the government pleader Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question13:-What is the retention period of completed call book in the department?

A:-3 years

B:-5 years

C:-1 year

D:-10 years

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question14:-Which one of the following types of communication is used by Government to communicate with non-officials or subordinates? A:-Office order




Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question15:-Who is authorized to sign communications in respect of disciplinary proceedings?

A:-Section officer

B:-Under secretary

C:-Joint secretary

D:-Disciplinary authority

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question16:-What is the general principle for an entry relating to a new file in the PR?

A:-There should be an open entry

B:-There should be a corresponding communication from outside

C:-There should not be any previous papers pending in the department

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question17:-Attending to other routine functions entrusted to office sections from time to time like the collection and forwarding of periodical returns, compilation of index, etc., are called ____________

A:-Other duties

B:-Special duties

C:-Transit duties

D:-Routine duties

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question18:-The file number, seat number, year of the file and the abbreviations used in respect of the department should be neatly written in ink at the ______________

A:-Right hand margin of every note sheet

B:-Centre of every note sheet

C:-Left hand margin of every note sheet

D:-Beginning of every note file

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question19:-Which format is used for communication of actions against subordinates?

A:-Office order

B:-Memo of charge


D:-D.O. Letter

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question20:-Collecting details partially, one reference has been answered a second is made which should have been embodied in the first communication itself is called __________________

A:-Unnecessary reference

B:-Unnecessary references after decisions

C:-Referencing in note file

D:-Piece-meal references

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question21:-What is the purpose of having margin on the first side of the note file at the left-hand side and margin on the other side of the paper on the right-hand side?

A:-To ensure easy reading of papers even after stitching of the disposal

B:-For reading both sides of the paper simultaneously

C:-To make reference of flagged matters easily

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question22:-When communications received without proper authentication, who is the officer responsible to return the same to the source? A:-Section officer in the case of within the department and under secretary for other departments

B:-Under secretary

C:-Section officer

D:-Office superintendent

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question23:-Which of the following is not permissible in submitting one file with another?

A:-A file put up as linked file when the orders passed in one apply to the other

B:-A pending file be flagged and put up for reference in a case

C:-The linked file is disposed of finally in a Government order or otherwise while the main case yet remains unclosed D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question24:-Who is the final authority to issue clarification in the even of any doubt on the procedure laid down in secretariat office manual? A:-I and PRD

B:-Finance department

C:-General administration department

D:-P and ARD

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question25:-Which of the following is a false statement connected with "knowledge of office procedure and training"?

A:-Every member of the staff other than last grade employees shall be thoroughly conversant with the rules contained in the Kerala secretariat office manual

B:-The section officer must see that every assistant or typist in his section knows and understands the rules and that copies of the manual supplied to the section are corrected up-to-date

C:-Under secretary shall inspect the copy of the manual kept in the section and see that it is properly updated D:-The section officer will be held personally responsible for non-observance of the procedure, in the manual by all in his section Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question26:-Who is responsible for bringing delays occurred in the case of files send on circulation to the officers? A:-Confidential assistants attached to officers

B:-Section officer of the concerned section

C:-Section officer of the parliament section

D:-Assistants dealing with the subject

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question27:-What is the purpose of cross-reference?

A:-All matters relating to individual officers are treated as cross reference

B:-Personal papers relating to officials should be indexed under the name of the officer concerned and it is called cross reference

C:-Where a subject fall under more than one head and it seems useful to index it under each head but there is no need for distinct titles under each head, use a cross reference

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question28:-What is a statement of the final decision of government on any matter submitted for information or orders A:-Attachment




Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question29:-Which one of the following is not true with regard to closing of cases?

A:-The disposals have to be certified by section officer before transmission to the records branch

B:-Disposals certified ensure that no further action remains to be taken on the file and that it is not prematurely closed C:-Section officers should take particular care to see that no file on which any action is due is passed by them for transmission to records D:-Office superintendents shall sign on the disposals as a token of indication that it is send through office section Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question30:-Insertion between two entries of a fresh entry should not be made except with the initials of the ______________ A:-Under secretary

B:-Concerned assistant

C:-Section officer

D:-Assistant and countersigned by S.O.

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question31:-Rules of business of the Government of kerala is made in exercise of the powers conferred by _____________ of the constitution of India A:-Article 309

B:-Article 311

C:-Article 166

D:-Article 310

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question32:-Money, cheques and others valuables received as enclosures to communications will be entered by the office superintendent in the ______________

A:-Security register

B:-Valuables register

C:-Distribution register

D:-Stamp account register

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question33:-When the draft itself is a statement or voluminous running into pages, a flag with the inscriptions 'Draft for Approval' or in short 'DFA' should be attached to the ______________ of the draft

A:-Right hand corner

B:-Left hand corner

C:-Middle portion

D:-Right side

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question34:-A reply to a reference issued from the office, or a paper which though not a reply of that nature, has for any other reason to be filed with a current already pending in the office is called ________________

A:-New case

B:-Routine note


D:-Old case

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question35:-In the courts subordinate to the High Court, the suits and other proceedings are co-ordinated by the _______________ A:-Law secretary

B:-Advocate general

C:-District collector

D:-Secretary, Home department

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question36:-Name the terminology used for the correct and up-to-date list of all secretaries to Government, heads of departments, the members of the legislature, and the parliament, and the chief executives of the public sector undertakings and all the secretariat officers of the concerned department kept in the office sections

A:-Mailing list

B:-Consolidated list

C:-Bound copy of list

D:-List of titles

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question37:-Which of the following is not true for using the highest possible denominations of stamps for postage charges? A:-To minimise the use of the number of stamps

B:-Some of the numerous stamps affixed may escape cancellation and may afterwards be used improperly C:-Higher expenditure which is incurred on account of manufacturing charges

D:-Easy to locate higher value stamps among those in custody

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question38:-What is the procedure when, in a case marked for circulation to more than one minister or to the Governor, a minister passes orders which are not in accordance with the orders suggested in the noting?

A:-File will be circulated to others without interruption and the decision of chief minister will be final

B:-Further circulation should invariably be interrupted and the file will immediately be given to chief minister for decision on the variation recorded

C:-Further circulation should invariably be interrupted and the file will be returned to the secretary or other officer who directed the circulation

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question39:-Which one of the following statements is false with regard to page numbering of current file?

A:-The file number should be written in ink at the top margin of all current file sheets on both sides

B:-Added currents should be serially numbered in ink on both sides of the pages

C:-Blank pages should also be numbered

D:-The currents received are chronologically arranged from the top to the bottom

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question40:-Which one of the following is not the responsibility of section officer while closing cases?

A:-Certify before transmission to the records branch

B:-Ensure that is not prematurely closed

C:-File on which any action is due is not passed for transmission to records

D:-It is properly stitched by the Binder

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question41:-What is the procedure to be followed, if there is a difference of opinion between the concerned Government law officer and the collector as to the manner of conducting a case in any court subordinate, to the High Court?

A:-Seek the advice of the law department

B:-Obtain instructions from Government

C:-Seek the advice of the advocate general

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question42:-Circular form is used for _______________

A:-Communication of routine matter

B:-Communication of matter of policy

C:-Communication of establishment matters

D:-Communication of important instructions of a standing nature

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question43:-Who is the authority to decide whether an item should be added to the stock file?


B:-Under secretary

C:-Section officer

D:-Assistant section officer

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question44:-Which one of the following is the meaning of unnecessary reference?

A:-Sending communication for collecting details after taking final decision in the file

B:-Indicating details in the reference portion of Government letter

C:-Collecting details from lower level offices one after another

D:-Sending communication for collecting details when details are available in the concerned section Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question45:-What is the use of periodical register?

A:-To watch the punctual receipt or despatch of periodical reports and returns

B:-To watch important communications from Government of India

C:-For assigning distinguishable numbers to currents not routed through office section

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question46:-How can proposals for legislation be dealt with?

A:-Based on the directions issued from the legislature secretariat

B:-In accordance with the provisions contained in the Rules of business

C:-As directed by the law department

D:-In accordance with the provisions contained in the secretariat instructions

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question47:-In which cases the assistants and section officers are permitted to offer their opinions and suggestions? A:-Cases which are of routine nature

B:-In all cases being dealt with as per secretariat instructions

C:-Cases which are specifically found on statutes, rules, precedents or declared policies

D:-Cases in which officers and directed to offer remarks

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question48:-Who will decide further action on the expiry of the period specified in the immediate reference communication? A:-Secretary concerned

B:-Section officer concerned

C:-Under secretary controlling the section

D:-Deputy secretary or joint secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question49:-What is the time duration fixed for checking the account of stamps used and the stock of stamps in hand by the office superintendents?

A:-Once in a week

B:-Once in two weeks

C:-Once in a month


Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question50:-Which of the following is a false statement in respect of fair copying by typist?

A:-Any fair copy extending over more than one page shall be typewritten on both sides of the paper unless otherwise instructed B:-Make sure that the orders contained in the note file complies with the draft

C:-All copies must be made neatly and legibly

D:-All fair copies should be typed with single spacing

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question51:-What is the method adopted to ensure continuity and consistency of advice given from a department? A:-Extract of the advice shall be consolidated in the office section of the department

B:-Routine files have to be closed as G.O. (MS) for indexing

C:-Extract of the matter of tendering advice shall be typed out and kept up in the stock file of the concerned section D:-The advice shall be communicated as a circular

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question52:-Which one of the following is the procedure for sending unofficial references (and files) to other departments/sections? A:-Directly send to the section concerned using transit register

B:-Numbered and distributed along with Tappal through office section

C:-Send to the section concerned through the officer in charge of the section

D:-Send through the office of the secretary concerned

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question53:-Which of the following condition is true for the entry "For further papers, see GO Ms./Rt. No __________________ department dated _______________" made in the docket of another GO

A:-When a notification is issued for giving statutory value to the condition specified in the GO

B:-When a modification is issued for a G.O. file closed earlier

C:-When the action in a file is not completed, but one or more GOs are issued from that file copy of the GO is detached from the file and docketed separately

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question54:-Who is authorized to send files for advice to other departments?

A:-Deputy secretary or above

B:-Under secretary or above

C:-Section officer or above

D:-Joint secretary or above

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question55:-Name the department to be consulted for relaxation of service rules or orders for qualification for appointment, test to be passed, etc A:-Law department

B:-Finance department

C:-General administration department

D:-Personnel and Administrative reforms department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question56:-Who is authorized to prepare and fordward all the pension papers relating to non-gazetted staff whose salaries are drawn from secretariat?

A:-Establishment branch

B:-Accounts branch

C:-Finance department

D:-Secret section

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question57:-Who is the authority to prescribe special registers for registering application under a scheme, etc.? A:-Secretary of the department

B:-Deputy secretary in charge of the subject

C:-Section officer of the concerned section

D:-An officer not below the rank of under secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question58:-Which one of the following is not true for submitting proposals in the form of notes?

A:-When high level discussions are already undertaken on important matters

B:-Discussions in which the heads of departments had participated and had formed a consensus with the secretary in charge of the department or the minister

C:-When there is sufficient budget provision included in the budget for completion of the project

D:-Such notes may be marked direct to the secretariat officers of the levels of deputy secretary, joint secretary or Additional secretary Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question59:-Name the process by which files are submitted to Ministers or to the Governor for information or orders A:-Referencing




Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question60:-Which among the following statements is not true, with reference to communication of orders to petitioners? A:-Reasons for the rejection should, always be given in the draft order

B:-The full text of the order should be communicated

C:-Replies are not such as should involve Government in controversies

D:-When an order passed by the, Minister or the secretary has to be communicated to a petitioner, it will be sufficient to give the purport of the order

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question61:-When action in a file for a conceivable time is not active, then such entries are closed in the personal register and they are entered in the ________________

A:-Call book

B:-Reminder diary

C:-Periodical register

D:-Suit register

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question62:-The name of which officer is included in the G.O. after the subscribed words 'By order of the Governor'? A:-Name of the officer specified for signing G.Os.

B:-Name of the secretary of the department

C:-Name of the minister controlling the department

D:-Name of the highest authority approving the draft G.O

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question63:-Which is the department reviewing monthly business statement?

A:-General administration department

B:-Information and public relations department

C:-Personnel and administrative department

D:-Finance department

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question64:-Who is the officer authorized to sign copies of the notes for the council of ministers?

A:-Section officer concerned

B:-Need not be signed by any one

C:-Secretary of the department

D:-officer authorized to prepare notes for the council

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question65:-Ordinances are resorted to only in unavoidable circumstances and every ordinance issued will have to be replaced by a bill within _______________ from the re-assembly of the legislature, failing which the ordinance shall cease to operate

A:-Six weeks

B:-One month

C:-3 weeks

D:-Two weeks

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question66:-Who is authorized to prepare draft statement of facts?

A:-Law department

B:-Government pleader

C:-P and AR department

D:-Administrative department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question67:-Which is the date of effect of notifications?

A:-Only when the statutory limit fixed for tabling of the notification before the legislature is over

B:-From the date specified in the notification itself or in its absence from the date of issue

C:-After the period fixed for receipt of suggestion or recommendation

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question68:-Name the register in which the certificate on transfer of charge of the assistant have to be recorded? A:-Attendance register

B:-Movement register

C:-Personal register

D:-Establishment register

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question69:-Name the functionary who is not supposed to keep annual index?

A:-Heads of departments

B:-All officers of secretariat

C:-All sections of secretariat

D:-Records branch of the secretariat

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question70:-Which of the following in not specified in the classification of records?

A:-Officer orders


C:-Government order (ordinary series)

D:-Lodged papers

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question71:-Why is it specified that "Enclosures to be minimized"?

A:-Attachments are not permissible with official communications

B:-It is difficult to include enclosure along with Government order

C:-While drafting communications it is desirable to have the decision portion along in it

D:-Every communication should, as far as possible, be complete in themselves

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question72:-All communications received before ______________ on a working day shall be despatched the same day A:-3 p.m

B:-4 p.m

C:-11 a.m

D:-5 p.m

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question73:-What is the method to be adopted for a paper wrongly received in an office section or department? A:-Immediately forwarded to the office of the secretary of the concerned department

B:-Immediately forward to any of the section in the department

C:-Immediately forwarded to the office section of the concerned department

D:-Transfer it to the appropriate department under orders of under secretary or deputy secretary in-charge of the section Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question74:-What is the condition specified for despatch of communications using speed post

A:-Use franking machine service

B:-Use service stamps of higher value

C:-Use regular postal stamps

D:-Based on special instruction issued

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question75:-In which case the number of entries on a page of the personal register can be made as closely as possible? A:-Currents relating to old cases

B:-Currents relating to routine cases

C:-Currents relating to new cases

D:-Currents relating to leave cases

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question76:-Unless otherwise specially directed, who is the authority to sign copies of proceedings critizing head of the departments? A:-Additional secretary


C:-Joint secretary

D:-Deputy secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question77:-Which one of the following is not applicable in the preparation of note for the council of ministers? A:-Should be precise


C:-Appendices can be included

D:-Must include all relevant facts of the case

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question78:-When the back files put up are Government orders which enjoy a longer period of preservation, new cases disposed of otherwise as Government orders should be added to the disposal containing the Government orders. Which of the following is the reason for the same?

A:-For the purpose of adding connected subsequent papers in one disposal

B:-To avoid destruction of subsequent papers prior to the destruction of the Government order itself

C:-For decreasing the number of disposals in the department

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question79:-The secretariat central library is under the charge of a librarian. It is attached to _____________ department A:-Information and public relations dept

B:-General administration department

C:-General education department

D:-P and AR department

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question80:-Which one of the following statements is true relating to the purpose of reminder diary?

A:-To remind further action in any file on a specified future date

B:-To remind the activities to be completed in a day

C:-To note down court cases to be dealt with in a seat

D:-To note down pending meetings related to the section

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question81:-Who is responsible for the contents of the packets of valuables intended for despatch?

A:-Clerical assistant

B:-Attender packing the valuable

C:-Assistant of the section

D:-Office superintendent

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question82:-Which one of the following is true for filing affidavits for extension of time in court cases?

A:-By sending officers for filing extension

B:-By sending tele-printer messages to the advocate general

C:-By authorizing the liaison officer of the department working in the office of the advocate general

D:-By authorizing the Government pleader in the office of the advocate general

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question83:-Who is authorized to receive safe custody articles at the time of its returning?

A:-Assistant of the section handling the subject

B:-Section officer of the section handling the subject

C:-Accountant of cash branch


Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question84:-What is the duration for keeping casual leave applications received from employees?

A:-Keep is for three years

B:-Send to records after one year

C:-Keep it for one year after close of the year

D:-Destroy it after the close of the year

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question85:-What is the normal time fixed for sending press releases to the information and public relations department? A:-Not later than 4 p.m. on a day

B:-Before 2 p.m. on a day

C:-Before 11 a.m. on a day

D:-No specific time fixed

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question86:-Who is the custodian of self-registering current number stamp of every department?

A:-Confidential assistant attached to the officer

B:-Office assistant dealing with receipt of Tappal

C:-Under secretary in charge of the office section

D:-Office superintendent of each department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question87:-What is the method adopted while modifying the note written by the lower level officer?

A:-Replaced with the modified note

B:-Written in continuation

C:-Suggest to start new note

D:-Destroy unwanted portion and write

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question88:-Which one of the following is not true while reconstitution a missing file?

A:-By calling for copies of all the communications received as well as issued from the lost file

B:-Communications may be gathered from the offices from where they were received as well as to whom they were issued C:-Such reconstitution of the file may be done based on the entries in the inward register and despatch register of the office section D:-Copies of the inter-section or inter-departmental references may also be collected and retained in the reconstituted file Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question89:-Which one the following procedure is followed while handing over of keys and other papers while proceeding on leave or relinquish charge?

A:-Handover to superiors

B:-Handover to staff taking charge

C:-Hand over to secretary

D:-Handover as part of the list

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question90:-Which one of the following is not true in the preparation of note for the subjects committee?

A:-Copies of all rules of regulations referred to in the notes for the subjects committee have to be appended to the note B:-The covering letter of the note should be got approved by the secretary of the department

C:-70 copies of the note should be forwarded to the legislature secretariat with a forwarding letter

D:-Every copy of the note should be signed by an officer not below the rank of a joint secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question91:-Which one of the following is false connected with referencing in note files?

A:-For every statement made in the note, except expression of opinion, an authority must be cited

B:-If the authority quoted is to, be found in the current file, the page at which it is found and the number of the relevant paragraph on such page should be noted

C:-When it is contained in a previous disposal, the number and the date of such disposal, the number of the page in the file, the number of the paragraph containing the relevant information will all be noted

D:-By quoting references to authorities in a note against the concerned sentence in the margin

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question92:-The section officer should ensure that the assistant to whom the currents marked have acknowledged entries in the tappal book and issue certificate based on this. Who is the authority to verify these actions?


B:-Office superintendent

C:-Additional secretary

D:-Under secretary or deputy secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question93:-Name that part of a file which contains the notes written by secretariat officers and includes unofficial references and replies thereto and a note for council of ministers and the decisions of the council?

A:-Note file

B:-Current file

C:-Back file

D:-Stock file

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question94:-Which one of the following is a false statement connected with re-opening of a call book entry?

A:-Call book entry is re-opened with an extract of the call book

B:-The lodged files as such is placed at the bottom of the case as a disposal

C:-Extract of the note file portion of the previous file shall be added to the extract of the call book

D:-When final orders are arrived at and issued it should not be closed as such without incorporating the portion of the file put up as a lodged paper

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question95:-Which one of the following is the meaning of consolidation of titles?

A:-Consolidation of index by P and ARD

B:-Grouping the headings of common titles of various orders together and showing as a side heading

C:-When an order of another department is indexed in a department, the title is used under which the order has already been indexed D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question96:-Which one of the following is the term denoted for forwarding the original received paper to others? A:-Memorandum


C:-Routine note

D:-Unofficial note

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question97:-When files are received by the officers of other departments directly, which is the functionary authorized to return files and to whom it is to be marked?

A:-By the officer himself to the officer who marked the file

B:-By the concerned section of the department where the officer is attached to the office section of the department of the marked officer

C:-By the officer himself to the office section of the department of the marked officer

D:-By the office section of the department where the officer is attached to the office section of the department of the marked officer Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question98:-Which one of the following is the correct sequence for registering papers in the personal register? A:-In the order in which papers are received in the section

B:-Based on the sequence fixed by the section officer

C:-In the order of the numbers stamped on the paper

D:-Based on the date of receipt and the sequence of subjects allotted to the section

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question99:-What is the procedure adopted in the case of answering short notice questions?

A:-Fair copy of answers given to legislature secretariat as in the case of other questions

B:-Minister has to answer before the assembly

C:-Fair copy of answers given to legislature secretariat and minster answer before the assembly

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question100:-Final decision on the petitions received from the committee on petitions should be taken by an authority not below the rank of _______________

A:-Special secretary to government

B:-Joint secretary to government

C:-Deputy secretary to Government

D:-Secretary to government

Correct Answer:- Option-D