14-03-2019 DEPARTMENTAL TEST JANUARY 2019 - Secretariat Manual Test


Paper: The Secretariat Manual Test

Medium of Question: English

Date of Examination 14-03-2019

Question1:-Name the term used for attaching slips printed with letters of the alphabet, or Arabic or Roman numerals to the top of papers put up for reference.





Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question2:-Which one of the following is not true, connected with printing of a case?

A:-Matter for printing can be send in installments in the case of budget preparation, legislative proceedings, etc.

B:-Return of proofs may be done in installments without splitting up of the matter received at a time

C:-Matter for printing can be split up at the time of authorising printing

D:-Printing can be authorized by an officer lower in rank than Deputy Secretary if it is done in accordance with standing instructions

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question3:-Name the authority to allocate business of Government among Ministers.

A:-Chief Minister



D:-Chief Justice

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question4:-Which number shall be ringed off in the Personal Register in red ink as soon as it is finally disposed of?

A:-Number in column 1

B:- Numbers in column 1 & 2

C:-Number in column 2

D:-Numbers in column 1 & 6

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question5:-Which among the following is not true about maintaining data connected with typing by the typists?

A:-Typists shall keep a register in manuscript indicating the number of communication and the number of lines typed

B:-Details of Malayalam typing need not be entered in the register

C:-The number of communications pending to be typed should also be noted at the end for each day

D:-Items pending to be typed shall be chronologically done and checked by the concerned Section officer on the last working day of the week

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question6:-Who is the officer responsible for safe custody of valuables in Secretariat?


B:-Under Secretary Accounts


D:-Assistant dealing the case

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question7:-Which is the department doing analysis of monthly business statement?

A:-Parliamentary Affairs Dept.

B:-General Administration Dept.

C:-Finance Department

D:-P & ARD

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question8:-The disposals accruing in the section shall be handed over to the office section _________ duly passed by the Section Officer for stitching and transmission to the records branch. A:-every week

B:-every month

C:-every fortnight

D:-every quarter of the year

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question9:-Which one of the following designatory is not supposed to attend holiday duty in Secretariat?



C:-Office Attendant

D:-Section Officer

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled

Question10:-The entry in the Index relating to an individual paper is called



C:-Sub head


Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question11:-Which one of the following is not treated as confidential paper?

A:-Installation request for computers & accessories

B:-All correspondence dealing with appointments and postings

C:-Agenda for the meeting of the Council of Ministers

D:-A previous punishment case comes up in appeal

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question12:-Some points connected with Government orders are furnished below :

i. Shall be subscribed with the words ‘By Order of the Governor’

ii. Copy should be communicated with the signature of Section Officer with the indication ‘Forwarded/by order’.

iii. When signed by officers below the rank of Secretaries, they have to sign it ‘For Secretary to Government’.

Which of the following combination is true for authentication and communication of Government orders?

A:-Items (ii) and (iii) above

B:-Items (i) and (iii) above

C:-Items (i), (ii) and (iii) above

D:-Items (i) and (ii) above

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question13:-Apart from the usual note file, it may become necessary to clarify points of an ephemeral nature and the notes prepared for that purpose is called

A:-Council Note

B:-Sectional Notes

C:-Routine Note

D:-Unofficial Notes

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question14:-Which of the following is the meaning of “unnecessary references after decisions”?

A:-References to Departments or Offices for gathering information, without carrying out the decisions of the Council of Ministers

B:-Sending one communication to another department after finding that the details called for are not sufficient

C:-Sending communications to other departments, when the details are available in the section

D:-Sending communications to various officers under one Head of the Department

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question15:-What is the method to be followed in answering a question written by the officer in the margin of a note?

A:-Answer immediately below the area in which the question is entered

B:-Letters A, B, C etc., will be written boldly against each question and the answers marked with the corresponding letter entries written at the end of the note

C:-Letters A, B, C etc., will be written boldly against each question and the answers written in separate sheets flagging with the letters indicated

D:-Letters A, B, C etc., will be written boldly against each question and furnish the answers only in the margin

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question16:-In respect of cases requiring decision by the Council of Ministers the Council notes are prepared after obtaining orders of the ___________.

A:-Chief Secretary and concerned Minister

B:-Concerned Minister and Chief Minister

C:-Secretary and Chief Secretary

D:-Concerned Secretary and Chief Minister

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question17:-All the Assembly questions handled by the department should be entered in the interpellation register kept by the ____________.

A:-Parliamentary section

B:-Miscellaneous section

C:-Office Section

D:-Secretary’s Office

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question18:-Which format is used for communication of charges against subordinates?

A:-Office order



D:-Memo of charge

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question19:-Who is the custodian of Suit Register in Form No. XIX, Appendix I intended to facilitate prompt action on files relating to suits and writs?

A:-Section Officer


C:-Office Superintendent

D:-Under secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question20:-Which one of the following is compulsory in the communications send from Secretariat to outside offices or person?

A:-File number generated from current number

B:-Signature of the Section Officer

C:-Emblem of Government or Department seal

D:-Despatch seal affixed by the Office section

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question21:-When special subjects like applications under a scheme etc., are processed in a seat, such papers may be entered in the special registers. Who is the authority to prescribe special registers for the purpose?

A:-Secretary to Government

B:-Under Secretary to Government

C:-Section Officer

D:-Minister concerned

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question22:-Which among the following is not true connected with referencing in Current file?

A:-Every paper quoted by its number and date in current and its enclosures should be put up and indicated in margin

B:-If it is a report it shall be added to the current file, page number it and indicate in the margin

C:-If it is a file which has been previously disposed of it can be obtained from the records, flagged and indicated in margin

D:-If it is the despatch number of another office, its disposal can be found out by consulting the Personal Register and indicated in margin

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question23:-Who is the authority empowered to give over the file of the Secretariat to the Heads of the Department for recording their views to expedite decision making?

A:-Joint Secretary to Government

B:-Under Secretary to Government

C:-Secretary to Government

D:-Additional Secretary to Government

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question24:-Which authority is authorized to prepare Annual Index?

A:-Personal and Administrative Department

B:-Parliament section in each department

C:-General Administration Department

D:-Office section in each department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question25:-Every ordinance issued will have to be replaced by a Bill within ___________ from the re-assembly of the legislature, failing which the ordinance shall cease to operate. A:-two weeks

B:-four weeks

C:-six weeks

D:-five weeks

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question26:-Name the process when a paper is given a current number and entered in the PR.

A:-Put up




Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question27:-Name the format of communication used to convey opinion to another department or seek the advice of another department.

A:-Unofficial notes


C:-Demi-official letter


Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question28:-Which one of the following is false relating to directions contained in the Tappal?

A:-Directions contained in the tappal shall be carried over to a register, by the assistants

B:-Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary concerned will pass such instructions as are considered necessary on urgent/important papers

C:-The Section Officer will take particular care to note down in his own daily remembrance time limit cases to ensure that they do not get delayed

D:-Tappal containing special directions shall be send to the Section Officer for distribution to the Assistants

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question29:-Which of the following is not the part of a case?

A:-Current file

B:-Names staff processing file

C:-Note file

D:-Put up papers

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question30:-Which is the Department/Section authorized for destruction of notes on all the items in the Agenda for the Council of Ministers which have been disposed of till the 1st of July every year? A:-Culture Department

B:-General Administration (Records) Department

C:-General Administration (SS) Department

D:-General Administration (SC) Department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question31:-Which one of the following comes under the broad group of classification of records?



C:-Lodged paper

D:-Ephemeral papers

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question32:-Which of the following statements is not true relating to the content of the stock file?

A:-The papers should be filed chronologically and the pages numbered serially in ink

B:-Notes, copies of Government orders and extracts of note from files shall be filed

C:-When a paper of importance or of a general nature is received in the section, the Section Officer will arrange for a copy being secured or made and added to the stock file D:-When an order is too long, an extract of the relevant portion only may be added to the stock file

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question33:-What is “late attendance”?

A:-Giving permission to an employee to attend office late for some unavoidable reason

B:-Deducting one Casual leave for every three late permissions

C:-Noting the word ‘late’ against the name of an employee in the Attendance register, if he does not reach office in time and mark attendance

D:-Permission given to officers of and above the level of Under Secretaries by immediate superior officer concerned

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question34:-Which one of the following is true connected with the preparation of note for the Subject Committee?

A:-Copies of all rules or regulations referred to in the notes need not be appended to the note

B:-The note should be got approved by the Secretary in charge of the department

C:-35 copies of the note in Malayalam and 3 copies in English should be forwarded to the Legislature Secretariat with a forwarding letter

D:-The note for the Subject Committee should contain full particulars of the case

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question35:-Who is the authority to take action on the final decision papers received from the Petitions Committee?

A:-Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary

B:-Officer not below the rank of Secretary

C:-Chief Minister

D:-Concerned Minister

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question36:-Which one of the following is true relating to the difference in answering Short notice questions and submissions?

A:-Short notice Questions are answered by written reply and Minister replies on the floor in the case of Submissions

B:-In both the cases Minister replies on the floor and answer copy is also given in the case of Short notice Questions

C:-In both the cases Minister replies on the floor and answer copy is also given in the case of Submissions

D:-No difference in answering Short notice questions and submissions

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question37:-Who is the authority to decide disposals for historic preservation?

A:-Director, Information and Public Relations Department

B:-Secretary, Cultural Affairs Department

C:-Secretary, General Administration Department

D:-Director of State Archives

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question38:-Which among the following statement is not a duty of the Confidential Assistant?

A:-Shall maintain a register of files in Form No. XV showing details of all the flies received by the Officer with whom he is working

B:-Preparation of short notes specifying the status of files receiving in the office of the concerned officer

C:-Fair copying of Confidential papers and of Demi-official communications as required by the Officer

D:-Passing on papers received by Officers to the Office Section immediately under the due acknowledgement

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question39:-What is the procedure suggested to reduce the number of volumes of Personal Register?

A:-Increase the number of pages in Personal Register based on previous experience

B:-Currents relating to old cases i.e. pre-numbers receiving consecutively may be registered in a single line indicating their numbers

C:-Currents relating to old cases i.e. pre-numbers may be registered as closely as possible in a page

D:-Currents relating to new cases may be registered more than three in a page and allot additional space if required, in other pages in the same number

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question40:-Who is the officer authorized to scrutinise entries in the movement register every day?

A:-Section Officer

B:-Under Secretary

C:-Deputy Secretary


Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question41:-What is the period of retention of files or papers by the officers of and above the rank of Additional Secretary?

A:-5 days

B:-10 days

C:-15 days

D:-Four weeks

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question42:-Name the term used to denote number and date of the disposal relating to the new case recorded on the space provided in the face of the lodged disposal, when a modification or alteration to the decision contained in the lodged papers is arrived at in the new case,

A:-Linking of files

B:-Referencing in disposals

C:-Transfer of disposals

D:-Linking of disposals

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question43:-Money, cheques and others valuables received as enclosures to communications will be entered by the Office Superintendent in the _____________.

A:-Security register

B:-Valuables register

C:-Distribution register

D:-Stamp Account Register

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question44:-Which of the following statements is not a duty of Office Section relating to new disposals?

A:-Collect disposals

B:-Stitch disposals in proper way

C:-Transmit records to Secretariat Records

D:-Initial in disposals as a token of closure

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question45:-Officers and staff who are in charge of the keys or other confidential papers may hand over them to the ___________ when they proceed on leave or relinquish charge. A:-Office Section




Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question46:-Connected with Authentication of notes, which of the following statement is true?

A:-The Assistants and Section Officer should authenticate the note with dated signature close to the margin where the notes are prepared by them or passed by them comes to an end B:-The Assistants and Section Officer should authenticate the note with a dated initial close to the margin where the notes are prepared by them or passed by them comes to an end C:-The Assistants and Section Officer should authenticate the note with a dated initial opposite to the margin where the notes are prepared by them or passed by them comes to an end D:-The Assistants and Section Officer should authenticate the note with dated signature and affix their seal opposite to the margin where the notes are prepared by them or passed by them comes to an end

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question47:-Any reference issued from the office which originates the file is called ___________.

A:-Arising Reference

B:-Referencing in note

C:-Circular referencing

D:-Cross referencing

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question48:-Who is the authority to arrange despatch by Special messengers?

A:-Clerical Assistant

B:-Under Secretary

C:-Section Officer

D:-Office Superintendent

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question49:-Which of the following statement is true connected with call book entry?

A:-When a case is transferred from the Personal Register to the Call Book, the file is kept as such and allowed to lie over for a specified period

B:-When a case is transferred from the Personal Register to the Call Book, the file is closed in the form of a lodged paper

C:-Call book entry file is reopened in the same number and action continued

D:-Extract of the call book entry is added to current file in chronological order

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question50:-Who is the officer authorised to grant casual leave to the staff in the Section?

A:-Under Secretary

B:-Assistant Section Officer

C:-Section Officer


Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question51:-In the Courts subordinate to the High Court, the suits and other proceedings are coordinated by the

A:-Law Department

B:-District Government Pleader

C:-Advocate General

D:-District Collector concerned

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question52:-Which one of the following is not true connected with the issue of Confidential Records?

A:-The custody of such records is generally vested in Section Officers who will keep a register in which they are listed

B:-Confidential Records shall be supplied within the department on requisition signed by the Section Officer requesting the record

C:-Requisitions from other departments should be signed by a higher officer of the department making the requisition

D:-All requisitions should state invariably the purpose for which the record is required

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question53:-Who is the functionary primarily responsible for punching the adhesive stamps in communications?

A:-Tappal receiving Officer

B:-Tappal verifying Officer

C:-Office section

D:-Concerned Section

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question54:-Which of the following is the reason for not enclosing of papers in large envelope compared to its size?

A:-For smooth transportation of the covers to other locations

B:-To avoid wastage as regards both stationery and postage

C:-Inconveniences in using folded papers

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question55:-In Secretariat who has full control over the department?

A:-Section Officer

B:-Additional Secretary


D:-Under Secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question56:-Who is the authority to take decision after examining the recommendation made by the Committees?

A:-Chief Minister

B:-Secretary to Government

C:-Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary

D:-Concerned Minister

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question57:-Before ––––––––––––– of every month, every department is to prepare a monthly business statement in Form No. IX, Appendix I, and forward the consolidated statement for review. A:-10th




Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question58:-Which is the controlling Department of Director, Information & Public Relations Department?

A:-General Administration

B:-Cultural Affairs

C:-General Education

D:-Higher Education

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question59:-Name the division of Secretariat consisting of a Section Officer or an Office Superintendent and one or more Assistants and Typists under him





Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question60:-Official communications intended for the Public Service Commission should be addressed to the __________ to the Public Service Commission.



C:-PA to Chairman

D:-Joint Secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question61:-Which one of the following is a condition for placing matters for decision of the Council of Ministers?

A:-Based on the decision of the Minister concerned

B:-Considering the directions issued by the Chief Secretary

C:-Based on the decision taken by one Minister and supported by another Minister

D:-Based on the list of items requiring decision at the Council level as specified in the Rules of Business

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question62:-Which among the following is not a function of the Chief Secretary?

A:-Correctness of the notes submitted to the Subject Committees

B:-Control over the staff attached to the Ministers

C:-Responsibility for all matters not falling within the allotment of subjects assigned to other Secretaries

D:-A superintending control over the whole Secretariat

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question63:-What is to be presumed when period of preservation is not recorded on closing file for any particular category?

A:-Retain it in section for the period specified for that category of Record

B:-Retain it in Records for the period specified for that category of Record

C:-Re-open it as a new file after the period specified for that category of Record

D:-Send it to archives after the period specified for that category of Record

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question64:-Which among the following is not a duty of the Assistant?

A:-Register the papers, maintain the resisters prescribed, obtain back-papers, disposals, standing instructions etc. for the processing of cases handled in their seat

B:-Prepare notes which should contain a summary of facts, proposals, it any, made by the subordinate offices of Government, rules position in regard to the particular matter under process, standing instructions if any available on the matter etc

C:-Files are arranged properly, flagged, referenced and properly page numbered

D:-Furnish a certificate in the Distribution register to the effect that currents received have been entered in the Personal Register

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question65:-Who is the custodian of Periodical register?

A:-Clerical Assistant

B:-Office Superintendent

C:-Section Officer


Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question66:-Name the register in which the certificate on transfer of charge of the Assistant have to be recorded?

A:-Personal Register

B:-Movement Register

C:-Attendance Register

D:-Establishment Register

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question67:-Which among the following is the right procedure for marking files to other departments for advice?

A:-It should contain the suggestions received from other department in Secretariat for cross verification

B:-It should contain the suggestions received from the outside office and for remarks

C:-It should merely contain the statement of facts of the proposal received from the outside office

D:-It should contain a definite proposal tentatively arrived at by the department concerned for the opinion or clearance of the latter department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question68:-Which one of the following is false statement connected with compilation of important orders and circulars for reference?

A:-Compilation is to facilitate for easy reference

B:-Necessary material for this compilation may be collected along with the preparation of fortnight index

C:-Collection of orders and circulars have to be arranged by the parliament section

D:-The printing and published may be done during the first month of the next year

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question69:-In the case of other official letters received in the secretariat from members of Parliament and Legislative Assembly, replies will be issued over the signature of an Officer not below the rank of

A:-Deputy Secretary

B:-Joint Secretary

C:-Under Secretary

D:-Additional Secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question70:-In normal case who is the officer supposed to appear before the Committee for giving evidence?

A:-Officer who is summoned by the Committee

B:-Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary

C:-Head of the Department

D:-Secretary to Government

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question71:-The officers competent to order circulation should submit ––––––––––––– a list of cases pending with the Minister for more than two weeks to the Secretary in charge of the department. A:-every month

B:-every week


D:-every fortnight

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question72:-Who is authorized to note details of linked files, valuable books or documents in the circulation register while files are sent for circulation?

A:-Section Officer of the concerned section

B:-Confidential Assistant to the Officer ordering circulation

C:-Assistant dealing with the subject

D:-The Private Secretary to the Minister

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question73:-What is the procedure adopted in allowing space for Personal Register entry where a circular reference is likely to be issued?

A:-Special register should be maintained for making such entries

B:-Slips may paste along the page for making additional entries

C:-A full page should be allotted to admit the stages of entry

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question74:-At the time of handing over charge, the Outgoing Assistant has to ensure that all the disposals taken by him from the Records branch and the use of which has been over till the date of his relief are given to the


B:-Section Officer

C:-Incoming Assistant

D:-Records Branch

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question75:-In the case of Cabinet files marked ‘Secret’ in the Administrative Secretariat and the Law Department, the stenciling and taking copies of the Notes for the Council of Ministers should be done only in the ––––––––––––– of the General Administration Department.

A:-Secret Section

B:-Strictly Confidential section

C:-Coordination section

D:-Special A section

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question76:-What is the general principle for an entry relating to a new file in the PR?

A:-There should be a corresponding communication from outside

B:-There should be an open entry

C:-There should not be any previous papers pending in the department

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question77:-What is the meaning of ‘Head’ in indexing?

A:-It is the entry in the Index relating to an individual paper

B:-It is a word that is included in the first paragraph of a communication

C:-It is the important word that is placed first in the title, by which its alphabetical position in the index is determined

D:-It is a word connected with the period of retention of the file

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question78:-Which is the authority to report the action taken on assurances to the Legislative Assembly?

A:-Minister Concerned

B:-Officer not below the rank of joint Secretary

C:-Parliamentary section

D:-Concerned section

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question79:-Name the authority to be consulted for Revenue Recovery proceedings?

A:-Finance Department

B:-Revenue Department

C:-Personal and Administrative Reforms Department

D:-Law Department

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question80:-To whom should the matter take up, if the directions given by the High Court while disposing of writ petitions is difficult to comply?

A:-Administrative department

B:-Government Pleader

C:-Advocate General

D:-Law Department

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question81:-Which one of the following is not prescribed in the case of Inspection of Personal Registers?

A:-The new files will be called for and action pursued therein will be reviewed to see whether their expeditious disposal will be possible

B:-On the prescribed date of inspection if it is a holiday, the next working day the Assistant will put up the personal register with all papers received upto the evening of the previous day entered in it along with the connected registers

C:-The Officer will examine, all entries dealing with the closed files

D:-He will also see that the new papers are submitted within 5 days of receipt and the papers delayed more than five days in submission or issue of reference or other action are submitted to him at once with reasons for the delay

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question82:-Papers of ephimeral interest will be closed and retained in the department itself and

A:-forwarded to the Records at the close of the year as lodged series

B:-destroyed as waste paper at the close of every month

C:-forwarded to the Records at the close of the year for destruction after recording in the registers

D:-destroyed as waste paper at the close of the year

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question83:-Which is the department arranging press conference of Ministers?

A:-General Administration Department

B:-Personnel and Administrative Department

C:-Information and Public Relations Department

D:-Cultural Affairs Department

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question84:-Which among the following is not a procedure prescribed for daily closing of Record Section?

A:-The keys of all the doors after they are locked shall be put in a cover, sealed, signed and handed over to the Security Staff

B:-The name and signature of the Assistants handing over the keys and the one receiving the keys shall be recorded in a separate register for the purpose

C:-the Security Staff will return the keys to the record Assistant who first attends office the next morning

D:-The Assistant on turn duty shall ensure before leaving the office that all the doors and windows are properly closed and all the lights and fans are switched off

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question85:-Which one of the following statements is true connected with the decision of the Cabinet Sub Committee(s)?

A:-An authenticated copy will be sent to the department/departments concerned for further action

B:-The decisions in original after approval by the Minister concerned will be sent to the department/departments

C:-Decision will be placed before the Cabinet for detailed discussion

D:-Chief Secretary will record the decision and sent to the department/departments concerned for further action

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question86:-On holidays other than Sundays and other closed holidays a limited staff will be on duty ––––––––––––– in the Record section of Secretariat.

A:-from 10.15 a.m, to 5 p.m

B:-from 11 a.m, to 5.45 p.m

C:-from 10.15 a.m, to 5.15 p.m

D:-from 11 a.m, to 5 p.m

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question87:-Name the basic unit of administration in the Secretariat




D:-Office Section

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question88:-Which is the authority to ensure that notice of deposit of amounts is given to the parties by the concerned Government Law Officers?

A:-Liaison officer of the concerned Department

B:-District Collector

C:-Law Department

D:-Heads of Departments and officers

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question89:-Who is the authority to sanction Casual leave to Section Officer and above categories?

A:-By the secretary concerned

B:-By the next higher officer concerned

C:-Under Secretary for Section Officer and Secretary for above categories

D:-Under Secretary for Section Officer and others by self-recording

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question90:-When a petition is rejected, ––––––––––––– should, always be given in the Draft Order.

A:-rules for rejection

B:-decision of the Minister

C:-decision of the Government

D:-reason for rejection

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question91:-What is the procedure to be adopted, if the received communication in not in confirmation with the rules of correspondence?

A:-Return for rectification

B:-Lodge without any action

C:-Reject and inform

D:-Send direction for fresh copy

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question92:-Apart from the internal inspections conducted by the officers of the department, the inspection teams of ––––––––––––– may conduct a periodical inspection of every department at least once in three years.

A:-Stores Purchase Department

B:-General Administration Department

C:-Finance Department

D:-P & AR Department

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question93:-Who is the officer responsible for ensuring the entries in columns 7 and 8 of the Personal Register?

A:-Section officer


C:-Under Secretary

D:-Office Superintendent

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question94:-What is the period of noon interval fixed for Muslim officers on Fridays?

A:-From 1.15 to 2 p.m.

B:-From 12.30 to 2 p.m.

C:-From 12.30 to 2.30 p.m.

D:-From 12 to 2.30 p.m.

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question95:-What is the scope of further noting in a case?

A:-It is intended to advance the case a step towards its disposal by writing notes in succession of the first note

B:-It is intended to give a consolidated note on every stage

C:-It is intended to send the file to other departments to examine the scope of further noting

D:-It is intended to close the case at the earliest occasion

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question96:-When letter form is signed by Section Officer it should be so indicated

A:-‘Forwarded/By Order’

B:-‘Signed by’

C:-By Order of the ‘officer designation’

D:-‘Approved for issue’

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question97:-Whenever the number of an assurance has a relation to the L.A. Interpellations, short notice questions, submissions or the like, a ––––––––––––– should be made in the register of assurances.

A:-Piecemeal reference

B:-Circular reference


D:-Unofficial reference

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question98:-Which one of the following is the procedure for sending Unofficial references (and files) to other departments/sections?

A:-Directly send to the section concerned using Transit Register

B:-Numbered and distributed along with Tappal through office section

C:-Send to the section concerned through the officer in charge of the section

D:-Send through the office of the Secretary concerned

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question99:-What is that part of a case consisting of papers received, drafts of interim references, replies thereto & draft of final orders issued and arranged chronologically from top to bottom? A:-Current file

B:-Back file


D:-Note file

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question100:-In the Supreme Court, Standing Counsels are nominated and distribution of work between them is coordinated by the

A:-Chief Justice of High Court

B:-Law Secretary

C:-Advocate General

D:-Chief Secretary

Correct Answer:- Option-C