08-02-2019 DEPARTMENTAL TEST JANUARY 2019 - Revenue Test - IV Paper - Unified Village Manual Test



Medium of Question: English 

Date of Examination 28-02-2019 

Question1:-Kerala Land Reforms Act was enacted in the year : 





 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question2:-Succession certificate is issued by 

 A:-Village officer 



 D:-Civil court 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question3:-10 acres of Paddy land is _______ Standard acres under KLR Act 





 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question4:-Ceiling returns under KLR Act are filed by : 

 A:-Village officer 

 B:-Land owners 


 D:-Authorised officer 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question5:-The Suo moto of land tribunals are reported by 




 D:-Village officers 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question6:-As per the Land Relinquishment Act 1958 the lands can be surrendered to Govt. for :  A:-Specific purpose 



 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question7:-Land Relinquishment application can be submitted to : 

Question8:-Which of the following gives absolute right over land to a holder? 



 C:-Both (1) and 2) 


 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question9:-In which of the following cases "A form" can be prepared? 

 A:-When ST person sells a land to a non ST person 

 B:-When ST person sells a land to another ST person 

 C:-When ST person sells a land to a SC person 

 D:-When ST person sells a land to a OBC person 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question10:-Rule 27 (2) of transfer of Registry Rules can be invoked only after ______ years if the pattadar is missing.  A:-5 




 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question11:-Transfer of Registry/Pokkuvaravu cannot be effected in _______ cases. 



 C:-Ground rent 

 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question12:-In which of the following deeds the absolute interest is not transferred? 





 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question13:-For the acquired land Thandaper can be created in the name of requisitioning firm :  A:-True 


 C:-Cannot say 

 D:-None of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question14:-Charging Basic Tax from the firm who is a beneficiary of acquisition is : 



 C:-Partially legal

 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question15:-Lease can be terminated if : 

 A:-Violate conditions 

 B:-Not paying lease rent 

 C:-If alienates the property 

 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question16:-Cardamom Rules are not applicable in ________ Taluk. 





 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question17:-The Government lands are leased out as per ________ rules in Panchayath areas.  A:-Kuthakapattom 




 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question18:-Market value is charged when the land is assigned for : 

 A:-Dwelling purpose 


 C:-Beneficial enjoyment 


 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question19:-The alienation of assigned land is restricted only for : 

 A:-Occupied land 

 B:-Unoccupied land 

 C:-All lands 

 D:-None of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question20:-Which one of the following is not a reserved tree as per the pattayams given under KLA Rules, 1964?  A:-Sandalwood 




 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question21:-A tree actually attains the status of a "tree" only when it has girth of _________ cm at chest height.  A:-90 




 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question22:-The maximum extent of land which can be assigned for cultivation is _______ cents as per KLA Rules, 1964.  A:-15 




 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question23:-During land assignments the first option should be given to _________ candidates.  A:-Landless SC/STs 

 B:-Military personnel 

 C:-Rich and influential 

 D:-Political sponsored 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question24:-The encroachments in Government lands can be considered objectionable only when if it is after :  A:-01.01.1977 



 D:-No such date 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question25:-Any Government land can be assigned on registry : 



 C:-Cannot say 

 D:-Sometimes true 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question26:-List of assignable lands are prepared by : 

 A:-Village officers 



 D:-District collectors 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question27:-Encroachment in Govt. lands are to be reported by 

 A:-Village officers 



 D:-District collectors 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question28:-Illegal mining in Govt. lands are to be reported by : 

 A:-Village officers



 D:-District collectors 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question29:-The prescribed form for reporting encroachments in Government land is : 

 A:-Form A 

 B:-Form B 

 C:-Form C 

 D:-Form D 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question30:-The prescribed form for reporting illegal extraction of minor minerals is : 

 A:-Form AA 

 B:-Form B 

 C:-Form C 

 D:-Form D 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question31:-The illegal cutting down of trees in Government lands are to be reported in : 

 A:-Form AA 

 B:-Form B 

 C:-Form C 

 D:-Form D 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question32:-As per manual the encroachments are to be evicted within _______ of issue of orders.  A:-7 days 

 B:-14 days 

 C:-30 days 

 D:-The financial year 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question33:-Some of the Porombokes are vested with panchayat under Section ________ of Panchayat Raj Act 1994.  A:-218 




 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question34:-Which among the following is required to be prepared for booking a case under KLC Act?  A:-A form 

 B:-Detailed Mahazar 

 C:-Sketch showing encroachment 

 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question35:-Which among the following is a Govt. Land? 


 B:-Bought in land 

 C:-Escheated land 

 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question36:-KLA Act is applicable in ________ lands. 


 B:-Service Inam 


 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question37:-Tom Tom charge is associated with ________Act. 





 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question38:-Section connected with bought in land in RR Act is : 

 A:-40 (2) 

 B:-50 (2) 

 C:-60 (2) 

 D:-70 (2) 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question39:-Attachment of movables under the RR Act to be done only between : 

 A:-6.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. 

 B:-7.00 A.M. to 7.00 P.M. 

 C:-Sunrise to Sunset 

 D:-10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question40:-The empowering section under RR Act for attaching movables is Section 





 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question41:-During affixing of RR notice there should be signature of atleast _______ independent persons in the notice.  A:-1 




 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question42:-In the absence of the defaulter, notice may be handed over to _________ in the family.  A:-Children 


 C:-Any grown up male 

 D:-Any one 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question43:-The Demand notice can be signed by : 


 B:-Deputy Tahsildar 

 C:-Both 1 and 2 


 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question44:-The Revenue due to Government can be collected by : 

 A:-District collector 


 C:-Deputy Tahsildar 

 D:-Both 2 and 3 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question45:-Through which of the following sections of RR Act the defaulter can be arrested?  A:-55 




 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question46:-The maximum amount which can be kept in hand by a village officer is :  A:-Rs.2,500 




 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question47:-The Instalment amount which need to paid in two instalments is called  A:-Rate 

 B:-Due amount 



 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question48:-The major Head and minor Head for Basic tax is : 

 A:-029 & A 

 B:-029 & B 

 C:-029 & C 

 D:-029 & D 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question49:-Building Tax cannot be imposed on buildings owned by 

 A:-State and Central Govts. 

 B:-Religious institutions for worship 


 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question50:-Who is the authorized to assess plantation tax? 

 A:-Village officer 



 D:-All of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question51:-Jamabandhi is done by 



 C:-District Collector 


 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question52:-Jamabandhi is basically a period review of : 


 B:-Revenue collection 

 C:-Law and order 


 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question53:-Irrigation demand register is also called _______ account. 





 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question54:-Expansion of LROBT is : 

 A:-Last rate of building tax 

 B:-Land revenue other than basic tax 

 C:-Land revenue of Bihar and Tripura 

 D:-None of these 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question55:-The Basic tax is levied as per : 

 A:-Transfer of registry rules 

 B:-Basic tax act 

 C:-Plantation tax act

 D:-Land tax act 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question56:-Details of Land acquisition can be obtained from number ________ register.  A:-1 




 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question57:-List of assignable lands can be obtained from number ________ register.  A:-1 




 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question58:-Which of the following is not a temporary register? 


 B:-First number 

 C:-Second number 

 D:-Third number 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question59:-Heirship certificate is issued by 

 A:-Village officer 



 D:-District collectors 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question60:-Who is empowered to attach a running business of a defaulter?  A:-District collector 


 C:-Village officer 

 D:-Village Assistant 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question61:-Who empowered to sign a Revenue Recovery certificate?  A:-Tahsildar 


 C:-District collector 

 D:-Land Revenue Commissioner 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question62:-Which of the following does not require formation of a new subdivision?  A:-A portion of a plot is subjected to transfer of registry 

 B:-A portion of a plot is used to cultivate a new crop 

 C:-A portion of a plot is proposed to be acquired 

 D:-A portion of a plot is relinquished to Government 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question63:-Cut and removal of tree from Govt. Land without valid permission is :  A:-encroachment 




 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question64:-Which is the recurring demand under Land conservancy act?  A:-fire 

 B:-tree value 

 C:-prohibitory assessment 

 D:-land value 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question65:-What were Government properties known as? 

 A:-Sree Pandara Vaka 

 B:-Sree Padam Vaka 

 C:-Pandara Vaka 

 D:-Thanathil Vaka 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question66:-From which date a unified water cess is levied for entire Kerala?  A:-01/07/1974 




 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question67:-From which date building tax is imposed? 





 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question68:-Which days are known as Kisth in Kerala? 

 A:-January 15 and October 15 

 B:-April 1 and September 1 

 C:-January 1 and October 1 

 D:-March 15 and August 15 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question69:-Which of the village account is having three annexure?  A:-Account No.6

 B:-Account No.7 

 C:-Account No.8 

 D:-Account No.9 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question70:-Which is the account maintained in the village office with relation to the lease of Govt. land? 

 A:-Account No.5 

 B:-Account No.6 

 C:-Account No.15 

 D:-Account No.4 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question71:-Which register is known as certificate register? 

 A:-Register No.11 

 B:-Register No.12 

 C:-Register No.10 

 D:-Register No.8 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question72:-How many accounts are to be maintained in Village office? 





 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question73:-Which register is maintained in the village office to show the details of land relinquished to Govt? 

 A:-Register No.5 

 B:-Register No.9 

 C:-Register No.19 

 D:-Register No.8 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question74:-Which of the following is not considered as "Attakaranam"? 

 A:-Sale deed 

 B:-Gift deed 

 C:-Partition deed 

 D:-Rent deed 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question75:-What is an arrear amount proposed to be abandoned known as? 

 A:-write off 


 C:-excess collection 

 D:-revised demand 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question76:-Punishment for encroachment of Government land 

 A:-3 to 5 years imprisonment and fine Rs.50,000 to 3 lakhs 

 B:-2 to 3 years imprisonment and fine Rs.25,000 to 50,000 

 C:-3 to 5 years imprisonment and fine Rs.1,000 to 5,000 

 D:-1 to 2 years imprisonment and fine Rs.50,000 to 3 lakhs 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question77:-Another name for Thandaper account is 





 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question78:-Under Revenue Recovery Act, the collector is competent to arrest a defaulter as per : 





 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question79:-Preliminary notification for Land acquisition is published under section : 

 A:-4 (1) 

 B:-6 (1) 


 D:-12 (1) 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question80:-Under the KLR Act, the taluk land board cannot initiate any proceeding after the expiry of _______ years. 





 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question81:-For a person claiming to be a deemed tenant under Section 7 E of the KLR Act the authority shall issue a _______ in respect of the land held by hi A:-Pattayam 

 B:-Possession certificate 

 C:-Purchase certificate 

 D:-Certificate of title 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question82:-Demand notice under Revenue Recovery Act is in Form No. 





 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question83:-Against an order of the building tax, appeal is to be filed before : 


 B:-village officer 

 C:-District collector 


 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question84:-'Kumki' lands are found in _______ District of Kerala. 





 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question85:-To whom the appeal of under the land tax Act is to be filed? 


 B:-District collector 


 D:-Land Revenue Commissioner 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question86:-In Sub-Division cases, the transfer of registry is done by the : 


 B:-Taluk surveyor 

 C:-Tahsildar (LR) 

 D:-District Collector 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question87:-The details of application received for transfer of registry be entered in a register in :  A:-Form III 

 B:-Form II 

 C:-Form V 

 D:-Form I 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question88:-To whom an application for refund of stamp paper is to be filed? 




 D:-District collector 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question89:-'Karaima' land are seen in two Districts of Kerala which are they? 

 A:-Wayanad and Kozhikode 

 B:-Thrishur and Kozhikode 

 C:-Malappuram and Kozhikode 

 D:-Palakkad and Thrishur 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question90:-Who is not includes as 'near relative' as per RR Act? 



 C:-Grand father 

 D:-Step daughter 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question91:-Which is not a plantation as per KLR Act? 





 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question92:-Among the following who will be deemed to be treated as a registered holder of a land?  A:-Mortgage of the land 

 B:-Agent of the land 

 C:-Servant of the land 

 D:-Watchman of the land 

 Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question93:-Which one of the following does not include a village official? 

 A:-Village field assistant 


 C:-Village assistant 


 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question94:-Who is empowered to declare a property as ownerless and belongs to government?  A:-Tahsildar 

 B:-Revenue Divisional officer 

 C:-District Collector 

 D:-Village officer 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question95:-What is the duty of the village officer is he get information that a person in possession of property died interstate?  A:-immediately take possession of the property 

 B:-immediately report to the Tahsildar 

 C:-immediately prepare a Mahazar 

 D:-appoint a receiver to look after the property 

 Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question96:-What is the Form C used in Land Relinquishment? 

 A:-report regarding relinquishment 

 B:-intimation regarding relinquishment 

 C:-notification calling for objection

 D:-final order on relinquishment 

 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question97:-Whose sanction is required to convert a land of Cardamom cultivation into paddy cultivation? 


 B:-District collector 

 C:-Cardamom settlement officer 

 D:-No sanction required 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question98:-The inlets or outlets for the flow of water to or from paddy land means : 



 C:-Drainage channel 


 Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question99:-The revision of lease rent shall be at intervals of every : 

 A:-10 years 

 B:-5 years 

 C:-2 years 

 D:-3 years 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question100:-In which form the notice inviting objections in writing against the registry of land be published before considering an application of assignment?  A:-Form No.1 

 B:-Form No.5 

 C:-Form No.3 

 D:-Form No.2 

 Correct Answer:- Option-D