05-09-2019 MOP (Police) Test – Manual of Office Procedure (Police)


Paper: Manual of Office Procedure (Police) 

Date of 



Question1:-A Government Servant, who is called on to attend the Office duties on a public holiday can allow another working day as holiday ie known as _________ leave. 

        A:-Special Leave 

        B:-Casual Leave 

        C:-Compensation Leave 

        D:-Eligible leave 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question2:-R Dis files to be retained 


        B:-for a fixed period only 

        C:-one year 

        D:-none of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question3:-A communication / other documents which is attached to another communication to supplement is called         A:-memorandum 




        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question4:-Manager is competent to sanction permission to the staff to leave office during office hours or attend office late, up to a maximum time of 

        A:-1 hr 15 minutes 

        B:-not more than one hour 

        C:-2 hours 

        D:-half day 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question5:-When a Section Head is absent for short duration, on leave or otherwise _________ will supervise the section. 

Question6:-When a paper or its copy is sent to a Subordinate Officer for remarks or is communicated to him in original for information or for disposal, the disposal taken the form of 

        A:-Unofficial correspondence 

        B:-Memo form 


        D:-DO form 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question7:-Money, Cheques and other valuables received in an office as enclosures to communications will be entered in         A:-cash book 

        B:-inward register 

        C:-stock register 

        D:-security register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question8:-The officer having full administrative and supervisory control over an office is called as 

        A:-Head of office 



        D:-None of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question9:-Service Stamps not to be used for 

        A:-Local postage

        B:-Postages to foreign countries 

        C:-Official postage 

        D:-Despatch of valuables 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question10:-___________ is intended to bring to the notice of Senior Officers to check the delay for over a month in disposal or accumulation of arrears. 

        A:-Monthly business statement 

        B:-Pending files list 

        C:-Personal register 

        D:-Call book 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question11:-Papers are registered in the order of the numbers stamped on them are called 

        A:-Index number 

        B:-File numbers 

        C:-Current numbers 

        D:-Tapal number 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question12:-Which of the following not to be registered separately? 

        A:-Appeal against punishment 

        B:-Govt. Orders 


        D:-Punishment rolls 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question13:-When Officers are on tour, the tapals intended for them should be 

        A:-kept till they present in office 

        B:-return to the party 

        C:-keep unopened in despatch section 

        D:-sent to their camp daily 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question14:-The telephone message is maintained in an office is to record 

        A:-the calls duration 

        B:-the name of person who are attending calls 

        C:-the messages intended for a person other than the person who is taking the message 

        D:-to ascertain call cost 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question15:-The distinctive letter 'D' will be added to the reference member after the year in respect of District Police Office         A:-Kozhikode 




        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question16:-All papers received in Despatch Section before 4 PM and all urgent papers shall be despatched on         A:-next working day 

        B:-the same day 

        C:-within 2 days 

        D:-within a week 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question17:-Records which are no longer required in the sections should be returned to the Records through         A:-Issue Register of Records 

        B:-Personal Register 

        C:-Transfer Register

        D:-Inwards Register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question18:-Availability of furnitures, fans and other movable stores in each rooms of an office to be checked by the Manager         A:-once in a year 

        B:-every 6 months 

        C:-every 3 months 

        D:-every month 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question19:-Papers on which reports or communication are due to be sent on a distant date and papers which require no action for a minimum period of three months shall be brought on to a 

        A:-L DIS 

        B:-Call Book 

        C:-D DIS 

        D:-K DIS 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question20:-The Officer having full administrative and supervisory control over an office is the 

        A:-Head of office 


        C:-Senior Supdt. 

        D:-None of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question21:-Every days Tapals should be sent to the Sections before 

        A:-5 PM 

        B:-Next day 

        C:-3 PM 

        D:-12 Noon 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question22:-The nature of reference issued will be noted in column number ___________ of the Personal Register.         A:-8 




        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question23:-If the disposal is final its nature, number and date will be entered in red  ink in the _______ Column of the Personal Register         A:-5th 




        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question24:-Promptly collection of receipts in respect of registered articles and the acknowledgement due cards are the duties of         A:-Despatchor 


        C:-Section Head 

        D:-Special Messenger 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question25:-At the head of the first page of the Note File, the title of the file will be written identical with the entry in column _________ of the Personal Register. 





        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question26:-The currents received in each sections should be registered in the 

        A:-Tapal Register 

        B:-Personal Register 

        C:-Distribution Register 

        D:-None of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question27:-Reminders issued should be entered in red ink in column numbers _________ of the Personal Register.         A:-9, 10, 11 

        B:-3, 4, 5 

        C:-6, 7, 8 

        D:-4, 5, 6 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question28:-If a paper is returned in original with an endorsement, that fact should be noted in the last column of the Personal Register as         A:-'C Dis' 

        B:-'L Dis' 

        C:-'K Dis' 

        D:-'N Dis' 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question29:-___________ consists of the current file, not file and any previous papers and book put up for reference.         A:-reference 




        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question30:-__________ is the preparation of any communication on a current which it is proposed to be issued from the office.         A:-Drafting 


        C:-Official Correspondence 


        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question31:-Register of unopened Tapals sent to officers shall be maintained in 

        A:-Form No.II Appendix A 

        B:-Form No.III Appendix A 

        C:-Form No.IV Appendix A 

        D:-Form No.I Appendix A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question32:-________ shall ensure that the papers issued to the Clerk through Distribution Register are entered in the Personal Register.         A:-Senior Superintendent 

        B:-Section Head 


        D:-Senior Clerk 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question33:-Ordinary papers of a routine nature which are not likely to be required for future reference will be lodged as         A:-N Dis 

        B:-K Dis 

        C:-L Dis 

        D:-D Dis 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question34:-Procedure described in the Manual of Office Procedure (Police) are primarily for the use in Offices of and above the level of

        A:-Sub Divisional Police Office 

        B:-Circle Level 

        C:-Range Level 

        D:-District Police Office 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question35:-Seat / Section Inspection Book is to be maintained by 


        B:-All Subject Clerks 

        C:-Section Head 

        D:-Office Head 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question36:-Tapals and paper sent to Officers in their residence or camp should be noted in 

        A:-Tapal Register 

        B:-Local Delivery Book 

        C:-Register of papers sent to camp office 

        D:-Personal Register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question37:-Correspondence arising from any of Office, to call for opinion or information from officers who are under the Administrative control shall be in the 

        A:-Memo form 

        B:-Endorsement form 

        C:-DO form 

        D:-Letter form 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question38:-__________ is not meant to be placed on official record shall not be quoted in official communication.         A:-Letter correspondence 

        B:-Demi-official correspondence 

        C:-Unofficial correspondence 

        D:-None of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question39:-Security Register consists of 

        A:-1 to 4 column 

        B:-1 to 7 column 

        C:-1 to 5 column 

        D:-1 to 6 column 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question40:-Stamp Account Register consists of 

        A:-1 to 4 column 

        B:-1 to 6 column 

        C:-1 to 5 column 

        D:-1 to 7 column 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question41:-The Section Head is to inspect the Personal Register and the Registers of periodicals of all Clerks working under him         A:-once a fortnight 

        B:-once in a week 

        C:-once in a month 

        D:-once in two months 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question42:-What is the scale of accommodation fixed for Non-Gazetted Officers? 

        A:-100 sq.ft. 

        B:-40 sq.ft.

        C:-160 sq.ft. 

        D:-50 sq.ft 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question43:-All communication in the form of letters, memos, proceedings should be typed in the forms prescribed under         A:-Chapter V 

        B:-Chapter VI 

        C:-Chapter VII 

        D:-Chapter VIII 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question44:-Record Keeper shall maintain two Disposal Index Register in form No.X, Appendix-A, for 

        A:-N Dis and L Dis 

        B:-L Dis and K Dis 

        C:-R Dis and D Dis 

        D:-N Dis and K Dis 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question45:-The Manager will inspect the Record Room at least 

        A:-once a year 

        B:-once in 3 months 

        C:-once a week 

        D:-once a month 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question46:-Tapals with priority marking should be sent to the section 

        A:-before 2 PM 

        B:-that day itself 

        C:-as and when received 

        D:-next working day 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question47:-Police Form No.4 A is named as 

        A:-Personal Register 

        B:-Current Register of Punishment Rolls 

        C:-Distribution Register 

        D:-Despatch Register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question48:-Register of Records destroyed should be maintained by the 

        A:-Record keeper 


        C:-Section Head 

        D:-Office Head 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question49:-Whenever a paper / file is submitted by the Clerk to an Officer for orders, the date of submission should be entered in Column No ___________ of the Personal Register. 

        A:-Col. No.5 

        B:-Col. No.8 

        C:-Col. No.7 

        D:-Col. No.6 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question50:-Insufficiently stamped (Court Fee Stamp) petitions or papers are to be 


        B:-return to the sender 

        C:-kept pending without taking action 

        D:-destroy the petition

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question51:-The note should point out ________ the current. 

        A:-whole matters referred in the current 

        B:-brief of the current 

        C:-nothing about the current 

        D:-deficiencies or omissions or errors in the current 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question52:-Record Keeper should send reminders for the return of records not returned with in _______ months of their issue.         A:-six 




        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question53:-When an officer writes a question in the margin of a note, the reply to it should be written         A:-in the margin itself 

        B:-in continuation of the note and not in the margin 

        C:-in the current 

        D:-in a separate note sheet 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question54:-If the Section Head or Manager find that the note written by the Clerk are imperfect, irrelevant or wrong,         A:-he can rewrite or modify it 

        B:-that note sheet should be removed from the file 

        C:-file to be keep pending 

        D:-a fresh note file to be created 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question55:-Original and other valuable records sent by post should be 

        A:-ordinary post 

        B:-certificate of posting 

        C:-registered post with acknowledgement card 

        D:-none of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question56:-The circumstances in which the lower authority can withhold the petitions or other report addressed to a higher authority         A:-if the petition / report is against him 

        B:-if the petition / report is not having merit 

        C:-if the petition / report is against the higher authority 

        D:-if the petition matter in which such withholding is authorized under any special rule 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question57:-Any member of an office can reveal official informations to Press Reporters or members of the public.         A:-yes 


        C:-in special situations 

        D:-none of these 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question58:-"Register of Reports about missing records" should be maintained in 

        A:-Form XIV Appendix A 

        B:-Form XV Appendix A 

        C:-Form XVI Appendix A 

        D:-Form VIII Appendix A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question59:-____________ disposals is due for destruction at the end of 10 years.

        A:-L Dis 

        B:-K Dis 

        C:-N Dis 

        D:-D Dis 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question60:-Before a typist begins to copy a paper for issue he should ensure that it bears the 

        A:-current number 

        B:-initial of the Clerk in the bottom of the paper 

        C:-initials / approval of the head of office or an authorized officer 

        D:-none of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question61:-Weekly arrear statement will be prepared in Form No. 

        A:-Form XII Appendix A 

        B:-Form X Appendix A 

        C:-Form XIX Appendix A 

        D:-Form XVIII Appendix A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question62:-Each Section Head shall maintain a ___________ to watch the prompt submission of periodicals by the concerned section clerk.         A:-Calendar of periodicals 

        B:-Reminder diary 

        C:-Separate note book 

        D:-Monthly pending arrears statement 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question63:-Each section clerk shall maintain a ________ to watch prompt action in currents / files, on which action / reports are due.         A:-Monthly arrear statement 

        B:-Remainder Diary 

        C:-Weekly arrear statement 

        D:-Personal Register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question64:-Internal arrears in the offices will be checked by means of the _________, _________, _________, etc.         A:-call book, index register, tapal distribution register 

        B:-call book, periodical register, reminder diary 

        C:-personal register, weekly arrears list, monthly arrears list 

        D:-security register, register of periodicals, index register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question65:-Register of Records destroyed should be maintained by the Record Keeper in 

        A:-Form XV Appendix A 

        B:-Form XIV Appendix A 

        C:-Form X Appendix A 

        D:-Form XII Appendix A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question66:-Current Register of Punishment Roll 

        A:-Police form No.2 

        B:-Police form No.3 A 

        C:-Police form No.1 A 

        D:-Police form No.4 A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question67:-Confidential disposals should be kept separate in the locked almirah under the custody of Record room and the key of the almirah should be with the 

        A:-concerned section head 

        B:-record keeper


        D:-head of office 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question68:-At the head of the first page of the Note file the title of the file will be written in red ink. This should be identical with the entry in ________ of the Personal Register. 

        A:-Col. 3 

        B:-Col. 4 

        C:-Col. 5 

        D:-Col. 6 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question69:-If a letter or a petition received is illegible 

        A:-it should be returned 

        B:-it may not be kept in file 

        C:-it is to be rejected 

        D:-a type written copy of the same to be placed in its place in the respective file 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question70:-Give the name of Register maintained in Form No. VII Appendix A : 

        A:-Tapal Register 

        B:-Inward Register 

        C:-Fair copy register 

        D:-Local Delivery Book 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question71:-The record such as closed Personal Registers, Stock Files etc are to be maintained in the 

        A:-Sections concerned 

        B:-Record section 

        C:-Custody of Manager 

        D:-Custody of Section Head 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question72:-Receipt of file from the record section and its return records section to be entered in the ___________ and ___________ against the entries relating to the current being dealt with. 

        A:-Note file and the Personal Register 

        B:-Current file and the Personal Register 

        C:-Current file and the Distribution Register 

        D:-Note file and the Remainder Diary 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question73:-If there is any delay to return the records to the Record Section an _______ is to be sent to Record Keeper.         A:-New Requisition Slip 

        B:-Intimation Slip 

        C:-UO Note 

        D:-None of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question74:-Any member of the staff who is late by more than three hours shall forfeit _______ casual leave.         A:-half a day's 

        B:-2 day's 

        C:-one day's 

        D:-none of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question75:-A Register containing the residential address of all members of an office shall be maintained by the         A:-record keeper 


        C:-section head

        D:-head of office 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question76:-In Record Section, all records are to be kept on racks 



        C:-any way 

        D:-none of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question77:-While preparing a draft, reproduction of copies of communication received from other offices to be avoided except in the case of communicating 

        A:-Government Orders 

        B:-Enquiry Reports 


        D:-Confidential reports 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question78:-Disposal Index Register is maintained in accordance with Form No 

        A:-Form No. X Appendix A 

        B:-Form No. IX in Appendix A 

        C:-Form No. XI in Appendix A 

        D:-Form No. V in Appendix A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question79:-'Register of lodged papers' to be maintained in 

        A:-Form No. IX Appendix A 

        B:-Form No. X in Appendix A 

        C:-Form No. XI in Appendix A 

        D:-Form No. XII in Appendix A 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question80:-When drafting the disposal of a current of an important general nature, the Section Head has to decide whether a copy of it after issue should be added to the 

        A:-Index Register 

        B:-Note File 

        C:-Disposal Register 

        D:-Stock File 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question81:-Whenever an order added to the stock file supersedes or modifies a previous one, it is very important to note the fact in ________ of the table of contests, against the entry relating to the previous order. 

        A:-Column No.5 

        B:-Column No.4 

        C:-Column No.3 

        D:-None of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question82:-Who is the authority to permit the member of the office staff to leave the station on any day including holiday?         A:-section head 

        B:-officials of next higher rank 

        C:-the authority competent to sanction casual leave 

        D:-none of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question83:-Record Keeper shall maintain two disposal Index Registers one for __________ and other for________.         A:-L Dis, K Dis 

        B:-K Dis, N Dis 

        C:-Call Book, L Dis

        D:-R Dis, D Dis 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question84:-At the beginning of a 'Stock file' a _________ is to be maintained. 

        A:-facing sheet 

        B:-table of contents 

        C:-general index 

        D:-none of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question85:-Permission to leave office during office hours or attend office late, is not granted for more than         A:-one hour thirty minutes 

        B:-one hour fifteen minutes 

        C:-one hour 

        D:-three hours 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question86:-The entry in the 'index' relating to an individual paper is called 

        A:-Sub Head 




        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question87:-Due for destruction of holiday turn list is 

        A:-31st January of the succeeding year 

        B:-at the end of three years from the year to which they relate 

        C:-31st March of the succeeding year 

        D:-at the end of two years from the year to which they relate 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question88:-Secret and top secret papers should ordinarily be in the custody of the         A:-Head of office 


        C:-Section Head 

        D:-Section clerk 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question89:-'Call Note Book' is maintained by 

        A:-Section Head 

        B:-Gazetted Officer / Chief Ministerial Officers 

        C:-Record Keeper 

        D:-Subject Clerks 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question90:-In an office the Fair Copying section will be under the direct control and supervision of the         A:-Record Keeper 

        B:-Head of office 

        C:-Despatch Section Superintendent 


        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question91:-All files and volumes issued out of the Records Section shall be entered in a register called         A:-Personal Register 

        B:-Issue Register 

        C:-Issue Register of Records 

        D:-Remainder Diary 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question92:-Register of Records destroyed to be maintained by the 

        A:-Record Keeper 

        B:-Despatch Clerk 


        D:-Subject Clerk 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question93:-Despatching Clerk will be under the direct control supervision of 


        B:-Office Head 

        C:-Section Head 

        D:-Record keeper 

        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question94:-___________ shall maintain an indent book for stationery and printed forms. 


        B:-Every Clerk 

        C:-Every Section Head 

        D:-None of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question95:-Covers addressed by name of an officer 

        A:-can be opened by the Tapal Section Clerk 

        B:-can be opened by the Manager 

        C:-to be opened by the Officer to whom it is addressed 

        D:-can be opened by any subordinate 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question96:-While put up a file relating to the Security nature, a ________ slip should be attached to the file.         A:-important 


        C:-to be opened by the Head of Office 


        Correct Answer:- Option-D 

Question97:-Register of tapals sent for the officers camp or residence is maintained by 

        A:-Despatch Clerk 


        C:-Despatch Section Head 

        D:-Officers concerned 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B 

Question98:-__________ colour facing sheet to be used for current file 




        D:-none of this 

        Correct Answer:- Option-A 

Question99:-In ________ Register, the name of the Section Head and the Clerk should be written on the fly leaf of the Book.         A:-Security Register 

        B:-Tapal distribution Register 

        C:-Personal Register 

        D:-Stock Register 

        Correct Answer:- Option-C 

Question100:-How many records can be issued in one requisition slip? 


        B:-only one 


        D:-no limitations 

        Correct Answer:- Option-B